Tiŋmiaqsiugvik River and Willow Area Fish Sampling (2020-2023)
This report documents the results of fish sampling in the Tiŋmiaqsiugvik River drainage (also known as the Ublutuoch River). The primary goals of this effort was to determine... -
Kaktovik Ambient Air Monitoring Annual Data Summary Reports, 2022-2024
The Kaktovik Ambient Air Monitoring Project (KAAMP) equipment was installed in October 2021. Collection of valid meteorological, gaseous, and particulate matter (PM) data... -
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Near the Village of Nuiqsut, Alaska (2014-2023)
A study began in February 2014 to determine if VOC concentrations could be detected in the ambient air in and near Nuiqsut, Alaska. An additional study objective was to evaluate... -
Avian Studies in the Willow Project Area (2017-2023)
In 2017, ABR began conducting Spectacled Eider prenesting surveys and Yellow-billed Loon nest and brood surveys in the Willow Project area of the NE NPR-A in support of... -
Shorebird Monitoring in the Willow Project Area (2021-2023)
The NPR-A supports the largest concentration of aquatic birds of any portion of the Arctic Coastal Plain. The Willow Project land rezone (North Slope Borough Ordinance... -
ConocoPhillips Environmental Field Study Summaries (2020-2023)
Each year ConocoPhillips conducts scientific field studies throughout the Colville River and northeastern National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A) on the North Slope of... -
Daily Nuiqsut Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Analysis and Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Reports
Air monitoring reports in support of ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. (CPAI) incident response at Alpine (03/01/2022- 05/22/2022) are provided below. CPAI maintains a continuous... -
Alaska BLM North Slope Regional Air Quality Modeling Study 2020
The Alaska Bureau of Land Management (BLM) State Office contracted photochemical grid modeling (PGM) to produce the Cumulative Alaska North Slope Air Quality Regional Model... -
BLM Alaska North Slope Weather Research and Forecast (NS-WRF) Modeling 2021
The BLM contracted to develop an updated 3-dimensional meteorological modeling dataset for the North Slope of Alaska using the Weather Research and Forecast model (WRF). This... -
Current state of knowledge on biological effects from contaminants on arctic wildlife and fish
Since the last Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) effort to review biological effects of the exposure to organohalogen compounds (OHCs) in Arctic biota, there has... -
Spring Breakup, Summer Monitoring, Hydrological Assessment and Culvert Monitoring Report Greater Moose's Tooth (2018-2021)
Spring breakup is generally considered the largest annual flooding event in this region of the North Slope of Alaska. Preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic assessments of the... -
DOI/GTN-P Climate and Active-Layer Data Acquired in the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1998–2019
This report provides data collected by the climate monitoring array of the U.S. Department of the Interior on Federal lands in Arctic Alaska over the period August 1998 to July... -
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Since 1976, NSIDC scientists have worked to improve understanding of how the cryosphere is changing, forecasting of what the impacts of these changes will be, and global... -
Organochlorine contaminants in fish from an arctic lake in Alaska, USA
A wide range of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in muscle tissue and livers of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and Arctic grayling... -
Alaska Geobotany Center
Mission Of The Arctic Geobotany Center is to: Explore and understand Arctic geoecological relationships and dynamics at local to global scales; Promote interdisciplinary Arctic... -
Tundra Rehabilitation: GC2 Oil Transit Line Release (2006)
This report documents the transition of oversight responsibility from the incident management team (IMT) to the clean-UD project team for the GC2 oil transit line release. The... -
Tundra Treatment Guidelines - Cleanup, Restoration and Rehabilitation
Tundra Treatment Guidelines is a manual published by the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Division of Spill Prevention and Response, Prevention... -
Chukchi Sea Environmental Studies Program: Benthic
Primary production reaching the sea floor is consumed by benthic organisms (animals living in or closely associated with sediments) allowing these communities to flourish in the...