Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring (2009-2024)
The Nuiqsut Caribou Monitoring Project was based on research conducted by Stephen R. Braund & Associates (SRB&A) under contract to ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. (COP).... -
Fish Surveys and Subsistence Reports for Colville River and Vicinity (1985-2023)
These reports summarizes work to monitor fall subsistence fisheriues on Colville River. In addition reports for Ublutuoch, Fish Creek and the Helmricks winter fishery are... -
Polar Bear Maternal Den FLIR Reports (2009-2024)
The reports provide result of FLIR surveys to locate maternal polar bear dens in the vicinity of ongoing and planned industrial operations on the North Slope. -
Caribou Monitoring for Bear Tooth Unit (2018-2023)
The caribou monitoring study for the Bear Tooth Unit (BTU) area was conducted on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska in the northeastern portion of the National... -
Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring & Hydrological Assessment (2018-2023)
These reports present the results from the Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment. This monitoring and hydrological assessment supports the... -
ASDP and GMT Caribou Monitoring Reports (2005-2023)
The caribou monitoring study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program (ASDP) and Greater Moose's Tooth (GMT) Unit is being conducted on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern... -
Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Program Annual Reports (1999-2023)
Since April 9, 1999 (prior to construction of the Alpine Central Processing Facility), CPAI has operated an ambient air quality and dispersion meteorology monitoring station in... -
Eider Surveys (1994-2023)
Spectacled Eiders and Steller's Eiders occur on the Colville River Delta and are listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as threatened species under the Endangered... -
Caribou Use of the Greater Kuparuk Area, Northern Alaska (2018-2023)
This study investigated the distribution, abundance, and calf production of Central Arctic Herd (CAH) caribou between the Colville and Kuparuk rivers in northern Alaska,... -
Avian Studies for the Alpine Oilfield, 2022 (1998-2023)
The Alpine Development Project is the first North Slope oilfield development to occur west of the Kuparuk Oilfield and the first on the Colville Delta. ConocoPhillips Alaska,... -
Colville River Delta Region Spring Breakup Monitoring Hydrological Assessment (1998-2023)
These reports present the observations and results from the Colville River Delta CRD) Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment for the Alpine Facilities. In the... -
North Slope Infrastructure (V13): Roads, Pipelines and Developed Areas - Update 03/22/2023
This North Slope infrastructure GIS dataset includes roads (line), pipelines (line) and developed areas (polygon) as separate feature classes. Downloads are in shapefile and... -
Survey of Lakes in ConocoPhillips Activity Areas (2018-2022)
The purpose of these studies was to estimate the volume of water available for winter industrial use and to document fish presence in lakes that may be used to support... -
Fish Surveys in the Northeastern NPR-A (2018-2020)
These reports document the results of fish surveys conducted at streams crossed by permanent gravel infrastructure as required by Operating Procedure E-14 of the Bureau of Land... -
NSSI Lakes Data: SAR Mapping Winter Liquid Water Availability on the North Slope Coastal Plain
Shapefiles and Report The North Slope coastal plain represents a unique landscape that is characterized by permafrost and an immense number of freshwater lakes of varying sizes... -
Ecological Mapping and Permafrost Database for Northern Alaska (Final Ecological Mapping Update (2014))
Note:This revision updates the geodatabase and shapefiles associated with the prior Landscape Level Ecological Mapping of Northern Alaska (NOAK). It includes recoding of some... -
IMIQ: Hydro/Climate Data Rescue, Standardization and Distribution
The Imiq database is now available at a new website (see below). The density of weather and hydrology observation sites in Alaska, and especially on the North Slope, is orders... -
Final Inigok Meteorological Monitoring Report and Data: April 2014-July 2020
The Final Station Report presents a summary of the more than six years of PSD quality meteorological data collection at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Petroleum... -
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Land Cover Mapping - 2019
This land cover map of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) was produced through analysis of satellite imagery that was informed by field data and other relevant data... -
Regional Cover Mapping of Tundra Plant Functional Types in Arctic Alaska, circa 2015
Ecosystem maps are foundational tools that support multi-disciplinary study design and applications including wildlife habitat assessment, monitoring, and earth-system modeling.... -
A Report on the Snow Cover of the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 2014-2019
Since 2014, scientists at the University of Alaska Fairbanks have conducted snow research in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 area, the first such research since the... -
Estimates of Subsistence Harvest for Villages on the North Slope of Alaska
The North Slope Borough has made a commitment to develop information about the region’s subsistence harvest and to share some of this information with the public, state and... -
Onshore Environment: ABR Ecotype, Waterbody and Habitat Mapping ONES study area
ABR prepared extensive-scale wildlife habitat, ecotype and waterbody maps for the entire ONES study area. Documentation is available in product metadata and in the report... -
Long-Term Ecological Monitoring in BP’s North Slope Oil Fields (2005 - 2014)
Over the past decade, hundreds of reports and papers on North Slope birds, fish, plants, caribou, whales, seals, bears, vegetation, and similar topics have been produced. Most... -
Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment 2009 Report and 2021 Update
Circumpolar assessment of ship transport on the Arctic Ocean and marine infrastructure requirements along with their potential impacts on humans and the Arctic marine... -
North Slope Lakes Studies
These reports include bathymetric profiles and fish presence data for a variety of North Slope lakes. -
ConocoPhillips NPR-A, Nuiqsut Winter Activities Maps (2019-2021)
This map (pdf) provides information on ConocoPhillips winter activity in NPR-A near Nuiqsut and includes Greater Mooses Tooth (GMT1-2), Willow and Alpine areas.. Winter travel... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Chukchi Data: Current, Ice Velocity, Source Book Data, Water Properties, Waves
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Beaufort Data: Current, Ice Velocity, Source Book Data, Water Properties, Waves
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
NSSI Scenarios Final Reports: Prioritizing Science Needs Through Participatory Scenarios for Energy and Resource Development on the North Slope and Adjacent Seas.
This record contains reports produced by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) scenario project. The following reports can be downloaded using the links below:... -
NSSI Scenarios GIS Data: Prioritizing Science Needs Through Participatory Scenarios for Energy and Resource Development on the North Slope and Adjacent Seas.
This record contains the data used by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) scenario process. These data sets are listed in the Alaska DataCatalog. The data sets are... -
The Next Horizon Socio-cultural Study of Oil Development and Nuiqsut
This study is a soci-cultural study of the impact of oil development on the native community of Nuiqsut. It was commissioned in 2012 by ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc. as a follow... -
Ecosystems of Northern Alaska - 2010
A map of local-scale ecosystems (ecotypes) that encompasses the Brooks Range, Brooks Foothills, and Beaufort Coastal Plain ecoregions was compiled using vegetation structure... -
Hydrology: AHC and ERM Major River Preliminary Fluvial-Geomorphic Evaluation
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated onshore hydrological studies in northern Alaska starting in 2010. Arctic Hydrologic Consultants and ERM were tasked... -
ShoreZone Mapping for the Alaska Coastline
ShoreZone takes a close-up inventory of the biology and geology of North America’s Pacific coast from Oregon to Alaska and in-between. People use the coastal data, imagery, and... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Chukchi Data: Ice Draft
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Beaufort Data: Ice Draft
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
Hydrology: AHC and ERM Channel Flood Geometry
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated onshore hydrological studies in northern Alaska starting in 2010. Arctic Hydrologic Consultants and ERM were tasked... -
BPXA Long Term Monitoring: Vegetation
In 2005 researchers established 15 permanent transects in the BP oil fields. The transects are 500 meters long and extend perpendicular to roads. They are located within the... -
BPXA Rehabilitation Sites - 2006 and 2008 Summaries
BP Exploration Alaska Inc. Environmental Studies Group (BPXA-ESG) rehabilitation plans and monitoring reports are provided for site rehabilitation/revegetation projects.... -
NPR-A Caribou Subsistence Harvest Documentation
Documents the annual subsistence harvest of caribou by residents of Nuiqsut, Barrow and Atqasuk for a five year period, including locational information on harvest and in-depth... -
Onshore/Nearshore: ABR ONES Desktop Studies 2014-2015 Final Reports
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated the Onshore/Nearshore Environmental Studies (ONES) program starting in 2010 to address environmental issues... -
Discharge, flooding and modeling for the Colville River Delta (1992-2009)
These reports summarize annual peak discharge, flood frequency analysis and 2D surface models for the Colville River Delta. -
North Slope Borough Wildlife and Subsistence Resource Assessment
The North Slope Borough, Department of Wildlife Management conducts research on wildlife and subsistence resources on the North Slope, including their biology and natural... -
Stinky gray whale investigations
Subsistence hunters have reported the existence of stinky whales since the 1960s. Studies were conducted to determine the sources of this smell. -
Monitoring Beaufort Sea Waterfowl and Marine Birds - Aerial Survey (2002)
MONITORING BEAUFORT SEA WATER-FOWL AND MARINE BIRDS: AERIAL SURVEY COMPONENT Contract Number:16950 Author:Julian B. Fischer, Tim J. Tiplady, and William W. Larned Pages:147... -
Timing and Statistics of Autumn and Spring Annual Snow Cover for the Northern Hemisphere (1972-2000)
The National Snow and Ice Data Center hosts a time-series data set comprising annual snow cover data for the Northern Hemisphere (covering land primarily over 45 degrees North)... -
Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG)-North Slope Coastal Photography
Low altitude oblique photography (2006) of Alaska North slope including the vicinities of Barter Island, Colville River, Demarcation Bay, Point Barrow, Prudhoe Bay and Teshekpuk... -
Decision for Steller's Eider Reintroduction
The purpose of this document is to describe the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s (FWS) evaluation of the Steller’s Eider Reintroduction Program (SERP), share the input...