Tiŋmiaqsiugvik River and Willow Area Fish Sampling (2020-2023)
This report documents the results of fish sampling in the Tiŋmiaqsiugvik River drainage (also known as the Ublutuoch River). The primary goals of this effort was to determine... -
Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Program Annual Reports (1999-2023)
Since April 9, 1999 (prior to construction of the Alpine Central Processing Facility), CPAI has operated an ambient air quality and dispersion meteorology monitoring station in... -
ConocoPhillips Environmental Field Study Summaries (2020-2023)
Each year ConocoPhillips conducts scientific field studies throughout the Colville River and northeastern National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A) on the North Slope of... -
Daily Nuiqsut Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Analysis and Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Reports
Air monitoring reports in support of ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. (CPAI) incident response at Alpine (03/01/2022- 05/22/2022) are provided below. CPAI maintains a continuous... -
CPAI Alpine Helicopter Coordination Grid
This map provides a grid to communicate ConocoPhillips’ Alpine Helicopter program activities for various summer seasons. Wildlife avoidance buffers per the BLM IAP, existing and... -
Marine Mammal Monitoring
Objectives: Determine species composition, temporal and spatial abundance, density and distribution of marine mammals in the Klondike and Burger areas. Also identify important... -
Ecological Land Survey for the Central Kuparuk Study Area - 2006
The objectives of this ecological land survey were to: 1)Conduct field survey of ecosystem components including geomorphology (surface geology), topography, soils, hydrology... -
Ecological Land Survey in the Northeast Planning area of the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPRA), 2002
The objectives of this ecological land survey were to: 1)Conduct field survey of ecosystem components including geomorphology (surface geology), topography, soils, hydrology... -
Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring
The objective of the spring breakup monitoring program is to estimate the magnitude of breakup flooding by documenting the distribution of floodwater, measure water levels, and... -
Yellow-Billed Loons Survey in NE NPRA - Colville River Delta
The study monitors the distribution, abundance, incubation behavior, and productivity of Yellow-billed Loons during nesting and brood-rearing. Pacific and Red-throated Loons are... -
Avian Studies in the Kuparuk Oilfield
Studies focuses on the abundance, distribution, habitat use of Spectacled Eider (pre-nesting and nesting), Tundra Swan (nesting and brood-rearing), Brant (nesting and... -
Survey of Mammals within GKA
Delineate the regional distribution and quantify the abundance of caribou during the calving season in four survey areas (Kuparuk Field, Kuparuk South, Colville River delta, NE... -
Land Rehabilitation Studies in the Kuparuk Oil Field, Alaska
Commissioned by Conoco Phillips, this is a long-term effort to facilitate the rehabilitation and revegetation of the Kuparuk Oilfield, as well as experimental attempts wetland... -
North Slope Rehabilitation
The objective of the CPAI Rehabilitation Program is to establish productive, diverse, and self-sustaining plant communities similar to those found in the surrounding tundra to... -
Chukchi Sea Environmental Studies Program: Benthic Ecology
Primary production reaching the sea floor is consumed by benthic organisms (animals living in or closely associated with sediments) allowing these communities to flourish in the...