Caribou Calving Areas on the North Slope
This map product displays the calving areas of caribou within the North Slope Borough. Data are included for the Western Arctic herd, the Central Arctic herd, the Teshekpuk Lake... -
Caribou Summer and Winter Ranges on the North Slope
This map product displays the seasonal ranges of caribou within the North Slope Borough. Data are included for the Western Arctic Herd, Central Arctic Herd, Teshekpuk Lake Herd,... -
Marine Mammal Ranges on the North Slope
This map product displays the seasonal distribution of marine mammals within the North Slope Borough. Data are included for polar bears, beluga whales, bowhead whales, and... -
Bird Nests on the North Slope
This map product details nesting sites for a variety of bird species within the North Slope Borough. Data are included for spectacled eider, artic tern, black guillemot, common...