NPR-A Caribou Subsistence Harvest Documentation
Documents the annual subsistence harvest of caribou by residents of Nuiqsut, Barrow and Atqasuk for a five year period, including locational information on harvest and in-depth... -
Development of methods to assess effects of oil field infrastructure on caribou movements, growth, and survival
Development of methods to model caribou movements using GPS data and assess affects of oil field infrastructure on calf survival. -
Effects of Noise from Vibroseis Equipment on Arctic Fish
The study was designed to address potential physical effects to fish from the energy imparted to a water body by vibroseis equipment and also to semi-quantitatively assess the... -
Distribution, movements, and survival of muskoxen in northeastern Alaska.
Monitoring of distribution, movements, and survival of Muskoxen in northeastern Alaska -
Teshekpuk Lake Fish Habitat
Identifies critical, high-use habitat for fish in and around Teshekpuk Lake -
Grizzly bears on the North Slope and in the Arctic NWR
Grizzly bears in arctic Alaska are living at the edge of their range and are an important component of predator-prey systems. We are using GSP/satellite collars on grizzly bears... -
Harvest and Use of Wild Foods
These reports summarize the results of research conducted on the harvest and use of wild food by North Slope and Interior communities. The 2016 report includes Utqiagvik,... -
Study of bowhead whale movements and behavior
Bowhead whales are the most important subsistence species for coastal and island communities in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas. We work with subsistence whalers to attach... -
Subsistence Harvest Documentation
The North Slope Borough has made a commitment to develop information about the region’s subsistence harvest and to share some of this information with state and federal... -
Caribou vital sign annual report for the Arctic Network September 2019–August 2020
Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) are an integral part of the ecological and cultural fabric of northwest Alaska. Western Arctic Herd (WAH) caribou roam over this entire region,... -
Monitoring the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd
At least 5 North Slope villages hunt caribou (Rangifer tarandus) from the Teshekpuk Herd. Understanding the movements and distribution of this herd is important if we are to... -
Bowhead Whale Subsistence Harvest Research
This research has been ongoing since the early 1980’s with many other collaborators in the past, including: Tom Albert, Harry Brower, Jr., Taqulik Hepa, Charlie Brower, Cyd... -
Radio Frequency Identification Tags for Grizzly and Polar Bear Research
The goal of this research and development project was to test the feasibility of the RFID system for grizzly and polar bear research and management by modifying the tags so they... -
Traditional Knowledge Regarding Bowhead Whales in the Chukchi Sea (AK-93-48-68)
Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) are an important subsistence and cultural resource for coastal people of western and northern Alaska, as well as an important component of... -
Migratory Bird Subsistence Harvest Reports
Monitoring spring and summer subsistence harvests of migratory birds in Alaska is part of the management and conservation efforts required under the Migratory Bird Treaty with... -
Alaska Geospatial Data
Access to GIS data, maps, orthoimagery and elevation data that are relevant to the North Slope are available through the State of Alaska Division of Geologic and Geophysical... -
Particulate Matter and Air Pollution in Alaska
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Air Quality provides materials about air quailty and health issues in Alaska. -
Satellite Tracking of Bowhead Whales: Habitat Use, Passive Acoustic and Environmental Monitoring (AK-12-02)
From 2012-2019 researchers worked with Native whalers from Alaska and marine mammal hunters from Canada to attach 28 satellite transmitters to bowhead whales. Sixteen were... -
Village based satellite tracking of ice and bearded seals (AK-12-05)
From 2014-2019 researchers worked with Alaska Native seal hunters to attach transmitters to 26 bearded, 16 ringed, and 25 spotted seals at eight locations; four locations in the...