Estimates of Subsistence Harvest for Villages on the North Slope of Alaska
The North Slope Borough has made a commitment to develop information about the region’s subsistence harvest and to share some of this information with the public, state and... -
NSSI Scenarios Final Reports: Prioritizing Science Needs Through Participatory Scenarios for Energy and Resource Development on the North Slope and Adjacent Seas.
This record contains reports produced by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) scenario project. The following reports can be downloaded using the links below:... -
The Next Horizon Socio-cultural Study of Oil Development and Nuiqsut
This study is a soci-cultural study of the impact of oil development on the native community of Nuiqsut. It was commissioned in 2012 by ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc. as a follow... -
NPR-A Caribou Subsistence Harvest Documentation
Documents the annual subsistence harvest of caribou by residents of Nuiqsut, Barrow and Atqasuk for a five year period, including locational information on harvest and in-depth... -
North Slope Borough Wildlife and Subsistence Resource Assessment
The North Slope Borough, Department of Wildlife Management conducts research on wildlife and subsistence resources on the North Slope, including their biology and natural... -
Stinky gray whale investigations
Subsistence hunters have reported the existence of stinky whales since the 1960s. Studies were conducted to determine the sources of this smell. -
Wild Fish and Salmon Subsistence Harvest Assessment in Selected North Slope Borough Communities
These reports summarize subsistence use of fish resources for selected North Slope communities. -
Teshekpuk Lake Fish Habitat
Identifies critical, high-use habitat for fish in and around Teshekpuk Lake -
Inventory and monitoring of snow goose colony at the Ikpikpuk River Delta
Inventory and monitoring of snow goose colony at the Ikpikpuk River Delta. -
Arctic Whale Ecology Study (ARCWEST)
Use passive acoustics, oceanography, satellite tagging, and visual surveys to investigate the source of cetacean prey and its influence on distribution and abundance. Focusing... -
Study of bowhead whale movements and behavior
Bowhead whales are the most important subsistence species for coastal and island communities in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas. We work with subsistence whalers to attach... -
A Field Guide to North Slope Fishes
The purpose of this booklet is to provide an easy-to-use identification guide to the common fish species of the North Slope and Arctic coast of Alaska. Another intent is to... -
Subsistence Harvest Documentation
The North Slope Borough has made a commitment to develop information about the region’s subsistence harvest and to share some of this information with state and federal... -
Monitoring the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd
At least 5 North Slope villages hunt caribou (Rangifer tarandus) from the Teshekpuk Herd. Understanding the movements and distribution of this herd is important if we are to... -
Hardened Trail
This work was conducted as part of eider study. There are few roads on the North Slope of Alaska, including near villages. Many people travel on the tundra by snow machine or... -
Understanding Predators (Gulls) - Use of anthropogenic foods by glaucous gull in Northern Alaska
Glaucous Gulls (Larus hyperboreus) are one of the major predators on Alaska’s North Slope and benefit from human activity. As development for oil production continues, Glaucous... -
Health Assessment of Subsistence Resources
Marine mammals, fish, and terrestrial mammals are important subsistence resources for residents of the North Slope. These animals help fill an important nutritional and cultural... -
Bowhead Whale Study - Accoustics
The NSB DWM has conducted acoustic surveys in most years since 1984 (more on tacoustics data at NSB website). The acoustic data have been used to locate whales and make call... -
Bowhead Whale Subsistence Harvest Research
This research has been ongoing since the early 1980’s with many other collaborators in the past, including: Tom Albert, Harry Brower, Jr., Taqulik Hepa, Charlie Brower, Cyd... -
Traditional Knowledge Regarding Bowhead Whales in the Chukchi Sea (AK-93-48-68)
Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) are an important subsistence and cultural resource for coastal people of western and northern Alaska, as well as an important component of...