Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring & Hydrological Assessment (2018-2023)
These reports present the results from the Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment. This monitoring and hydrological assessment supports the... -
North Slope Infrastructure (V13): Roads, Pipelines and Developed Areas - Update 03/22/2023
This North Slope infrastructure GIS dataset includes roads (line), pipelines (line) and developed areas (polygon) as separate feature classes. Downloads are in shapefile and... -
A Report on the Snow Cover of the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 2014-2019
Since 2014, scientists at the University of Alaska Fairbanks have conducted snow research in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 area, the first such research since the... -
Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment 2009 Report and 2021 Update
Circumpolar assessment of ship transport on the Arctic Ocean and marine infrastructure requirements along with their potential impacts on humans and the Arctic marine... -
ConocoPhillips NPR-A, Nuiqsut Winter Activities Maps (2019-2021)
This map (pdf) provides information on ConocoPhillips winter activity in NPR-A near Nuiqsut and includes Greater Mooses Tooth (GMT1-2), Willow and Alpine areas.. Winter travel... -
NSSI Scenarios GIS Data: Prioritizing Science Needs Through Participatory Scenarios for Energy and Resource Development on the North Slope and Adjacent Seas.
This record contains the data used by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) scenario process. These data sets are listed in the Alaska DataCatalog. The data sets are... -
Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas
The Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas provides a description of the natural history and ecological relationships in the Arctic marine environment. This... -
Hardened Trail
This work was conducted as part of eider study. There are few roads on the North Slope of Alaska, including near villages. Many people travel on the tundra by snow machine or... -
Alaska Mapper
A web mapping tool made available by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources that displays the locations of local, municipal, state, and federal boundaries as well as... -
NPR-A Fisheries Monitoring Implementation Plan
A primary purpose for the development of this monitoring plan was to support the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) national mission of... -
Tundra Travel Modeling Project
This project intended to provide natural resource managers with objective, quantitative data to assist decision making regarding opening of the tundra to cross-country travel.... -
CPAI Alpine Helicopter Coordination Grid
This map provides a grid to communicate ConocoPhillips’ Alpine Helicopter program activities for various summer seasons. Wildlife avoidance buffers per the BLM IAP, existing and... -
Arctic Shipping
The datasets collected by the Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment (AMSA) including marine activity databases, shipping routes, vessels, marine accidents, fishing and Arctic ports. -
TAPS Pipeline
Route alignment provided by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company via the State Pipeline Coordinator's Office and the Alaska Geospatial Data Clearing House (see link below). -
2018-19 Winter Activity for Nuiqsut Area
These maps (jpg and pdf) provide information on ConocoPhillips winter activity in the Nuiqsut area. Winter travel corridors for gravel haul ice road, ice road and rolligon route... -
Mitigation of the Effects of Oil Field Development and Transportation Corridors on Caribou
Final report to the Alaska Caribou Steering Committee evaluating published and unpublished research in this field with a review of the historical and 1994 status of the four... -
Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearing House
A wide variety of state-wide GIS layers with periodic updates from various agencies and sources: Borough Parcels • North Slope Borough Boundaries • ACMP Coastal Districts... -
Ecological Atlas of Alaska's Western Arctic 3rd Edition
Originally published in 2003 as the Western Arctic Synthesis, this update includes new datasets such as climate change projections, vegetation mapping and future development... -
Alaska Airports and Runways (FAA)
This information on airports and runways was received from the FAA and is distributed through ADNR. -
Airports and Runways (USGS)
Locations digitized by ADNR-LRIS from 1:24,000, 1:63,360 and 1:250,000 USGS quads. Distributed by ADNR.