Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring & Hydrological Assessment (2018-2023)
These reports present the results from the Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment. This monitoring and hydrological assessment supports the... -
North Slope Infrastructure (V13): Roads, Pipelines and Developed Areas - Update 03/22/2023
This North Slope infrastructure GIS dataset includes roads (line), pipelines (line) and developed areas (polygon) as separate feature classes. Downloads are in shapefile and... -
Survey of Lakes in ConocoPhillips Activity Areas (2018-2022)
The purpose of these studies was to estimate the volume of water available for winter industrial use and to document fish presence in lakes that may be used to support... -
ConocoPhillips NPR-A, Nuiqsut Winter Activities Maps (2019-2021)
This map (pdf) provides information on ConocoPhillips winter activity in NPR-A near Nuiqsut and includes Greater Mooses Tooth (GMT1-2), Willow and Alpine areas.. Winter travel... -
NSSI Scenarios GIS Data: Prioritizing Science Needs Through Participatory Scenarios for Energy and Resource Development on the North Slope and Adjacent Seas.
This record contains the data used by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) scenario process. These data sets are listed in the Alaska DataCatalog. The data sets are... -
Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas
The Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas provides a description of the natural history and ecological relationships in the Arctic marine environment. This... -
NPR-A Fisheries Monitoring Implementation Plan
A primary purpose for the development of this monitoring plan was to support the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) national mission of... -
North Slope Decision Support for Water Resource Planning and Management (DE-NT0005683)
Water is an essential component of the North Slope environment. Local communities use lakes and rivers for access to subsistence resources and to sustain those same resources... -
Tundra Travel Modeling Project
This project intended to provide natural resource managers with objective, quantitative data to assist decision making regarding opening of the tundra to cross-country travel.... -
Alpine Hydrology Monitoring (1999-2018)
Reports for Alpine pipeline crossing monitoring, culvert design and monitoring and erosion (1999-2018) are included in this record. -
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) is a study describing the ongoing climate change in the Arctic and its consequences: rising temperatures, loss of sea ice,... -
2018-19 Winter Activity for Nuiqsut Area
These maps (jpg and pdf) provide information on ConocoPhillips winter activity in the Nuiqsut area. Winter travel corridors for gravel haul ice road, ice road and rolligon route... -
Establishing precision shoreline GPS coordinates for infrastructure and sites of interest experiencing accelerated erosion
Legacy well sites, former DEW-Line sites, staging areas, roads, airstrips, landfills, dumps, and/or cultural sites experiencing sea, lake, or river shoreline erosion are being... -
Cumulative Environmental Effects of Oil and Gas Activities on Alaska's North Slope (2003)
This book identifies accumulated environmental, social and economic effects of oil and gas leasing, exploration, and production on Alaska's North Slope. Economic benefits to the... -
Impacts of Seismic Trails, Camp Trails and Ice Roads on Tundra Vegetation in the Northeast NPR-A
The results demonstrate how vegetation type and trail type influence the level of impacts, and how recovery progresses over time. The study will compare impacts to the tundra... -
Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearing House
A wide variety of state-wide GIS layers with periodic updates from various agencies and sources: Borough Parcels • North Slope Borough Boundaries • ACMP Coastal Districts... -
Advancing Oil Spill Response in Ice-Covered Waters
The objective of this project is to identify programs and research and development projects that improve the ability of responders to deal with accidental oil spills in fresh or... -
Climate Change, Permafrost, and Impacts on Civil Infrastructure
Permafrost, or perenially frozen ground, is a critical component of the cryosphere and the Arctic system. Permafrost regions occupy approximately 24% of the terrestrial surface... -
North Slope Mine Studies
This study examines how flooded gravel mines have become acceptable habitats for fish populations, and this information can be applied the mitigation and rehabilitation of old... -
Oil Spills in Arctic Waters: An Introduction and Inventory of Research Activities and USARC Recommendations
The paper begins with a summary of federal efforts in three topic areas: (1) spill demarcation and mitigation, including containment and countermeasures; (2) oil spill...