Polar Bear Non-invasive DNA Polar Bear Hair Snare
Document polar bear occupancy and movements along NE Chukchi Sea coastline. Assess methods for population monitoring. Collect polar bear DNA using minimally invasive methods.... -
Comparing Winter Ranges and Diet of Arctic Fox
Estimate fox den density N of Teshekpuk Lake. Satellite track wintering fox collared in NPRA and Prudhoe Bay. Recover fox and estimate diet with chemical techniques. Estimate... -
Health Assessment of Subsistence Resources
This long-term project is designed to proactively monitor infectious disease in multiple species, in multiple villages across the NPRA region of the North Slope, with special... -
Fish Surveys: Kuk River Sampling
The Kuk is one of the larger rivers flowing into the Chukchi Sea on the North Slope that has never been adequately surveyed to document species present and habitat conditions.... -
Beluga Harvest and Health Assessment: Monitoring Beluga Whale
Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) are an essential subsistence resource for many Arctic communities which depend on them for nutrition and culture. It is important to... -
Avian Influenza Monitoring of Snow Geese and other Birds on the North Slope
A grant from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has provided funds for sampling of birds on the North Slope for highly pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) since 2006. The North Slope... -
Distribution and habitat preference of ringed, spotted and bearded seals
Document range, distribution, and habitat preferences of ringed, spotted, and bearded seals Operations: Capture seals during open water season, affix with satellite... -
Bowhead Whale Contaminant and Nutrient Study
Using national and international guidelines calculate percent (%) "Recommended Daily Allowance" of essential elements in 100 g portion of bowhead tissues. For non-essential... -
Caribou Calving Areas on the North Slope
This map product displays the calving areas of caribou within the North Slope Borough. Data are included for the Western Arctic herd, the Central Arctic herd, the Teshekpuk Lake... -
Caribou Summer and Winter Ranges on the North Slope
This map product displays the seasonal ranges of caribou within the North Slope Borough. Data are included for the Western Arctic Herd, Central Arctic Herd, Teshekpuk Lake Herd,... -
Marine Mammal Ranges on the North Slope
This map product displays the seasonal distribution of marine mammals within the North Slope Borough. Data are included for polar bears, beluga whales, bowhead whales, and... -
Fish Surveys: Nearshore Fish Communities and Seasonal Abundance
Document the occurrence, relative abundance, size, age and seasonality of fish, zooplankton in relation to salinity and temperatures. -
Bird Nests on the North Slope
This map product details nesting sites for a variety of bird species within the North Slope Borough. Data are included for spectacled eider, artic tern, black guillemot, common... -
Fish Mold Surveillance (Saprolegnia sp.)
Saprolegnia is a water mold that was found on Aanaakłiq by Nuiqsut fishermen during the fall of 2013 to 2016. The cause of these recent cases of Saprolegniosis is not yet known.... -
Glaucous Gull Movements and Feeding
Prior to this study, there was relatively little information about diets of Glaucous Gulls on the North Slope. Many have suggested that with increasing human activities on the... -
Migratory Birds: Monitoring of Black Brant and Lesser Snow Geese
This study collects data about the distribution, abundance, nesting information, and status of select goose colonies in the NPR-A. Ground searches are undertaken to enumerate,... -
Migratory Birds: Steller's Eiders and Spectacled Eiders
The Spectacled (Somateria fischeri) and Steller’s (Polysticta stelleri) Eider Recovery Team developed Recovery Plans for these two species of eiders. Also, the team regularly... -
Bearded Seal and Walrus Health Assessment
Hunters allow collection of samples from their subsistence hunted bearded seal and walrus. In 2008 and 2009, Greta Krafsur, a veterinary student at Colorado State University,... -
Ringed Seal Movement, Habitat Use, and Foraging Behavior Study
The ringed seal (Phoca hispida) is an essential species in the Arctic both ecologically and as a subsistence resource. Understanding the migration patterns, habitat, and... -
Teshekpuk Caribou Herd Distribution
At least 5 North Slope villages hunt caribou (Rangifer tarandus) from the Teshekpuk Herd. Understanding the movements and distribution of this herd is important if we are to...