Bowhead Whale Subsistence Harvest Research
This research has been ongoing since the early 1980’s with many other collaborators in the past, including: Tom Albert, Harry Brower, Jr., Taqulik Hepa, Charlie Brower, Cyd... -
Chukchi Offshore Monitoring in Drilling Area (COMIDA)
The November 2006 COMIDA workshop described the importance of benthos and chemical monitoring to evaluate the health of the Chukchi ecosystem. The BOEM Scientific Committee (SC)... -
Functional Diversity of Epibenthic Communities on the Chukchi and Beaufort Sea Shelves (AK-13-03-27)
Functional diversity of epibenthic communities on the Chukchi and Beaufort Sea shelves were compared using biological trait analysis (BTA). BTA functionally characterizes... -
Surface Current Circulation High Frequency (HF) Radar Mapping in the Chukchi Sea (AK-09-06)
The shallow (50 m) Chukchi shelf extends 800 km northward from Bering Strait to the shelfbreak along the 200 m isobath. The Chukchi Sea flow field is influenced by the winds;... -
Satellite-Tracked Drifter Measurements in the Northeast Chukchi Sea (AK-08-12-08)
This study was initiated to better understand the surface circulation in the Chukchi Sea, which is not well-measured by subsurface moorings. The overall goal of this program was... -
Microbial Biodegradation Of Alaska North Slope Crude Oil In Arctic Marine Sediments
This project investigated the biodegradation of Alaska North Slope crude oil and Corexit 9500 (Corexit) in Arctic seawater and sediments to identify the microbes and genes... -
Biodegradation And Transport Of Crude Oil In Sand And Gravel Beaches Of Arctic Alaska
The effect of environmental conditions on the rate of crude oil biodegradation was studied in the laboratory, simulating oil spills at arctic seashores. Laboratory microcosms... -
Using Trace Elements in Pacific Walrus Teeth to Track the Impacts of Petroleum Production in the Alaskan Arctic (AK-13-03-26)
Offshore oil and gas exploration and extraction have the potential to introduce harmful materials into marine food webs. These pollutants are typically associated with... -
Dispersal Patterns and Summer Ocean Distribution of Adult Dolly Varden from the Wulik River, Alaska, Evaluated Using Satellite Telemetry (AK-08-12)
In northwest Alaska near the Chukchi Sea, Dolly Varden charr Salvelinus malma is highly valued as a subsistence fish and local residents harvest thousands of these fish each... -
Mapping and Characterization of Recurring Polynyas and Landfast Ice in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas (AK-09-04)
Because the predominant oil-spill movement in the Chukchi OCS Planning Area would be from east to west, the potential interaction of oil and wildlife in the polynya system is a... -
Circulation, Cross-shelf Exchange, Sea Ice, and Marine Mammal Habitats on the Alaskan Beaufort Sea Shelf
The team proposes to carry out a joint physical/biological program to enhance the understanding of how the ABS atmosphere/ice/ocean/marine-mammal system works and what some of... -
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) is a study describing the ongoing climate change in the Arctic and its consequences: rising temperatures, loss of sea ice,... -
An interdisciplinary monitoring mooring in the western Arctic boundary current: Climatic forcing and ecosystem response
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). This grant supports the deployment of a single, strategically placed mooring in... -
Comprehensive Modeling Approach Towards Understanding and Prediction of the Alaskan Coastal System Response to Changes in an Ice diminished Arctic
The proposed research combines state-of-the-art regional modeling of sea ice, ocean, atmosphere and ecosystem to provide a system approach to advance the knowledge and... -
Toward a predictive model of Arctic coastal retreat in a warming climate, Beaufort Sea, Alaska
The team proposes a three-year project to develop predictive models of coastal erosion and sediment transport along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea coast. This project has three... -
Oceanographic Circulation Monitoring
This group of studies provides information on the temporal and spatial structure of ocean currents in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas. Instruments such as moorings and high... -
Arctic Oil Spill Response Technology: Joint Industry Programme (JIP)
The Arctic Oil Spill Response Technology Joint Industry Programme (JIP) was initiated in 2012 under the auspices of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers... -
Arctic Ecosystem Integrated Survey
The School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, has applied to the CCIAP for $3 million to conduct an Arctic Ecosystem Integrated Survey. The... -
Assessing ice seal abundance and sea-ice characteristics
Use of UAS for assessment of both ice seal density and sea ice conditions. Refinement of techniques for automation of detecting & counting seals in large streams of digital... -
Distributed Biological Observatory
The “Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO)” is envisioned as a change detection array along a latitudinal gradient extending from the northern Bering Sea to the Barrow Arc...