Ecological Mapping and Permafrost Database for Northern Alaska (Final Ecological Mapping Update (2014))
Note:This revision updates the geodatabase and shapefiles associated with the prior Landscape Level Ecological Mapping of Northern Alaska (NOAK). It includes recoding of some... -
A Report on the Snow Cover of the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 2014-2019
Since 2014, scientists at the University of Alaska Fairbanks have conducted snow research in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 area, the first such research since the... -
National Assessment of Coastal Shoreline Change Historical Shoreline Change Along the North Coast of Alaska, U.S.-Canadian Border to Icy Cape
The National Assessment of Coastal Shoreline Change- Historical Shoreline Change Along the North Coast of Alaska, U.S.-Canadian Border to Icy Cape(2015) is provided below. A... -
Cumulative Environmental Effects of Oil and Gas Activities on Alaska's North Slope (2003)
This book identifies accumulated environmental, social and economic effects of oil and gas leasing, exploration, and production on Alaska's North Slope. Economic benefits to the... -
Toolik Field Station Spatial Data
Data downloads available from the Toolik Field Station. Includes: Aerial photos of the station area and Anaktuvuk River Shapefile of field station Contours of Kuparuk River... -
Alaska Orthoimagery/Elevation
This project coordinates the acquisition of imagery (RADAR, LIDAR, CIR aerial photography, and digital satellite images) via contracts that will provide 5-meter DEM's and an... -
Reduced-Resolution Radar Imagery, Digital Elevation Models (DEM), and Related GIS Layers for Barrow, Alaska, USA
This product set contains reduced-resolution Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) imagery and geospatial data for the Barrow Peninsula (155.39 - 157.48 deg W, 70.86... -
Nuiqsut: Lidar
This high resolution LiDAR dataset of the village of Nuiqsut is part of a series of 2013 LiDAR and imagery collections by EPSCoR Northern Test Case. This LiDAR was collected at... -
Mapping in Nautilus Basin in Support of Delimiting an Extended Continental Shelf
The HEALY will collect mapping and geologic data necessary to delimit the US and Canadian Extended Continental Shelf i.e., the region beyond the 200-nm boundary of the Exclusive... -
Onshore Environment: ARCADIS Coastal Process Report 2012
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated onshore surveys/studies in northern Alaska starting in 2010. ARCADIS was tasked with executing field surveys in 2012... -
Arctic Strategic Transportation and Resource (ASTAR) Methods
The Arctic Strategic Transportation and Resources (ASTAR) project worked with North Slope communities and regional stakeholders to identify infrastructure development projects... -
NOAA Coastal Lidar Dataset (Data Access Viewer)
This site provides access to NOAA national imagery, landcover and elevation datasets including North Slope coastal lidar. -
Coastal and Overflood: CF Coastal Stability, Ice Gouge and Strudel Data and Reports 2006-2014
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated field surveys in the Beaufort Sea starting in 2006 and the Chukchi Sea starting in 2009. The BSEE and Statoil were... -
National Elevation Dataset (NED) DEM
The National Elevation Dataset (NED) is the primary elevation data product of the USGS. The NED is a seamless dataset with the best available raster elevation data of the... -
High-Resolution Radar Imagery, Digital Elevation Models (DEM), and Related GIS Layers for Barrow, Alaska, USA
This product set contains high-resolution Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) imagery and geospatial data for the Barrow Peninsula (155.39 - 157.48°W, 70.86 -...