The Arctic Springtime Transition: Dynamics, Impacts, and Future Changes
In the Arctic, the arrival of spring is sudden. The abrupt onset of Arctic spring comes with the development of high pressure over Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea and shifts in... -
Understanding Arctic Marine Biogeochemical Response to Climate Change for Seasonal to Decadal Prediction Using Regional and Global Climate Models
This project will use the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM), comprised of marine biogeochemistry (mBGC) components in the eddy-resolving ocean and sea ice models to advance... -
Past, Present and Future States and Variations of the late Quarternary Permafrost Subsystem
Permafrost and seasonally frozen ground comprise a critically important component of the dynamic arctic terrestrial system, constituting a closely tied subsystem interacting... -
Ecohydrology in Permafrost Systems: The Impact of Watershed Heterogeneity on Stream Flow Dynamics and Hydrologic Pathways
The overall objective of this study is to quantify the relative roles of vegetation water use and soil water storage dynamics associated with permafrost presence/absence in...