Eider Surveys (1994-2024)
Spectacled Eiders and Steller's Eiders occur on the Colville River Delta and are listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as threatened species under the Endangered... -
Caribou Monitoring for Bear Tooth Unit (2018-2023)
The caribou monitoring study for the Bear Tooth Unit (BTU) area was conducted on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska in the northeastern portion of the National... -
ASDP and GMT Caribou Monitoring Reports (2005-2023)
The caribou monitoring study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program (ASDP) and Greater Moose's Tooth (GMT) Unit is being conducted on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern... -
Avian Studies in the Willow Project Area (2017-2023)
In 2017, ABR began conducting Spectacled Eider prenesting surveys and Yellow-billed Loon nest and brood surveys in the Willow Project area of the NE NPR-A in support of... -
Shorebird Monitoring in the Willow Project Area (2021-2023)
The NPR-A supports the largest concentration of aquatic birds of any portion of the Arctic Coastal Plain. The Willow Project land rezone (North Slope Borough Ordinance... -
Caribou Use of the Greater Kuparuk Area, Northern Alaska (2018-2023)
This study investigated the distribution, abundance, and calf production of Central Arctic Herd (CAH) caribou between the Colville and Kuparuk rivers in northern Alaska,... -
Avian Studies for the Alpine Oilfield, 2022 (1998-2023)
The Alpine Development Project is the first North Slope oilfield development to occur west of the Kuparuk Oilfield and the first on the Colville Delta. ConocoPhillips Alaska,... -
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Land Cover Mapping - 2019
This land cover map of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) was produced through analysis of satellite imagery that was informed by field data and other relevant data... -
Regional Cover Mapping of Tundra Plant Functional Types in Arctic Alaska, circa 2015
Ecosystem maps are foundational tools that support multi-disciplinary study design and applications including wildlife habitat assessment, monitoring, and earth-system modeling.... -
Onshore Environment: ABR Ecotype, Waterbody and Habitat Mapping ONES study area
ABR prepared extensive-scale wildlife habitat, ecotype and waterbody maps for the entire ONES study area. Documentation is available in product metadata and in the report... -
Onshore/Nearshore: ABR ONES Desktop Studies 2014-2015 Final Reports
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated the Onshore/Nearshore Environmental Studies (ONES) program starting in 2010 to address environmental issues... -
Thaw Settlement in Soils of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
On the Beaufort Coastal Plain of northern Alaska, thaw settlement in permafrost soils occurs whenever natural or human disturbances result in an increase in the depth of... -
Tundra Treatment Guidelines - Cleanup, Restoration and Rehabilitation
Tundra Treatment Guidelines is a manual published by the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Division of Spill Prevention and Response, Prevention... -
Tundra Swan and Brant Surveys in the Colville, Sagavanirktok and Staines River Vicinity(1989-1993)
Tundra swan were undertaken in the Kuparuk Oil Field area and Brant nesting and rearing surveys were surveyed between the Colville and Sagavanirktok Rivers. -
Colville River Delta Geomorphology (1992-1996)
These reports describe geomorphology in the Colville River Delta area. -
Caribou Surveys in the Colville River Delta Area, Northern Alaska (2018-2020); Caribou-Muskox (2001-2002)
This study investigated the distribution, abundance, and movements of Central Arctic Herd (CAH) and Teshekpuk Herd (TCH) caribou in 2019 in the Colville South survey area south... -
Central Arctic Caribou Herd
The record provides historical caribou research reports that describe Central Arctic Herd calving grounds, post calving and aggregation and herd distribution and movement. A... -
Land Mapping and Classification
This record provides links to Ecological land survey, geomorphology analysis and habitat monitoring for the NPRA, Colville and Alpine areas. -
General Wildlife Reports (1992-2004)
These wildilfe studies report on a variety of species observed within NPR-A, Alpine and Colville River Delta areas including: Spectacled Eider, King Eider, Yellow-billed Loon,... -
Greater White Fronted Goose (2015-2019)
Niġlivik, the Iñupiaq name for Greater White Fronted Goose (Anser albifrons), is a major subsistence species for local Iñupiaq people. At the request of the North Slope Borough...