Evaluation of Sub-Sea Physical Environmental Data for the Beaufort OCS and Incorporation in to a Geographic Information (GIS) Database OCS Study MMS 2002-017
This study, published on CD-ROM, presents a comprehensive database that synthesizes spatial and attribute information collected during shallow geological and geophysical surveys... -
Continuation of Arctic Nearshore Impact Monitoring in Development Area (cANIMIDA): Hydrocarbon and Metal Characterization of Sediments in the cANIMIDA Study Area (AK-03-14-02)
The key questions which drive Task 2 of cANIMIDA are as follows: Question 1. What are the background levels of chemicals of concern (i.e. anthropogenic-related organic and metal... -
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) is a study describing the ongoing climate change in the Arctic and its consequences: rising temperatures, loss of sea ice,... -
Lagoon Communities and Ecosystems
The total shoreline in the ARCN, including bay and barrier island ecosystems, is approximately 450 km (250 miles). This is the third largest block of coastline that the NPS... -
Continuation of Arctic Nearshore Impact Monitoring in Development Area (cANIMIDA): Core Contractor Program Management, Logistics, Data Management and Reporting (AK-03-14-01)
This task provides overall management, logistical support, database management, and review of products for all cANIMIDA science tasks. The cANIMIDA projects will gather long... -
A variety of empirical and modeling approaches are being taken to assess the history and risk of erosion and flooding along the Chukchi Sea coast near Barrow, Alaska. Part of a... -
Arctic Report Card
The Arctic Report Card (www.arctic.noaa.gov/reportcard/) considers a wide range of environmental observations throughout the Arctic, and is updated annually. A major conclusion... -
US Arctic Research Policy
The Arctic is “hot” and not only because it’s physically warming, but also because the world is looking north at climate change, resource exploration, undersea territorial... -
Toward a predictive model of Arctic coastal retreat in a warming climate, Beaufort Sea, Alaska
The team proposes a three-year project to develop predictive models of coastal erosion and sediment transport along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea coast. This project has three... -
Arctic Change
The objective of this website is to present recent indicators that describe the present state of the Arctic climate and ecosystem in an accessible, understandable, and credible... -
Grounded Ice Features: Coastal Frontiers Beaufort and Chukchi Reports
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated field surveys in the Beaufort Sea starting in 2006 and the Chukchi Sea starting in 2009. The BSEE and Statoil were... -
Mapping Permafrost and Gas Hydrate using Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Methods (CSEM)
The objective of this project is to develop and test a towed electromagnetic source and receiver system suitable for deployment from small coastal vessels to map near-surface... -
Shoreline Change on Sagavanirktok Delta by Prudhoe Bay, North Slope Alaska
Available shoreline position data from the Alaskan Beaufort Sea indicates that most locations have experienced significant erosion (up to 20 m/year) during the past several... -
Assessing Arctic Sea Ice
This project uses a variety of satellite remote sensing imagery and algorithms to study long-term changes and trends in Arctic sea ice. Arctic sea ice plays a significant role...