Gas Hydrate Dynamics on the Alaskan Beaufort Continental Slope: Modeling and Field Characterization
The goal of this research is to assess the contemporary state of the upper continental slope in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea to determine if gas hydrates are in equilibrium with... -
North Slope Decision Support for Water Resource Planning and Management (DE-NT0005683)
Water is an essential component of the North Slope environment. Local communities use lakes and rivers for access to subsistence resources and to sustain those same resources... -
AmeriFlux Ecological Monitoring - North Slope
The AmeriFlux network was established in 1996. The network provides continuous observations of ecosystem level exchanges of CO2, water, energy and momentum spanning diurnal,... -
Fluid and Rock Property Controls On Production and Seismic Monitoring Alaska Heavy Oils (DE-NT0005663)
The overall goal of this project is to improve recovery of Alaskan North Slope (ANS) heavy oil resources in the Ugnu formation by improving our understanding of the formation’s... -
Use of Polymers to Recover Viscous Oil from Unconventional Reservoirs (DE-NT0006555)
The goal of this three-year research project is to develop methods using water soluble polymers to recover viscous oil from unconventional reservoirs (e.g., on Alaska’s North... -
Producing Light Oil from a Frozen Reservoir: Reservoir and Fluid Characterization of Umiat Field, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska (DE-FC26-08NT0005641)
The objective of this project is to develop a robust geologic and engineering model for evaluating production methods for the Umiat field to provide important information on... -
Using Artificial Barriers to Augment Fresh Water Supplies in Shallow Arctic Lakes (DE-NT0005684 )
The goal of this project is to implement a snow control practice to enhance snow drift formation as a local water source that recharges a depleted lake despite possible... -
Gas Hydrate Production Trial Using CO2 / CH4 Exchange (DE-NT0006553)
The goal of this project is to define, plan and conduct a field trial of a methane hydrate production methodology whereby carbon dioxide molecules are exchanged in situ for the... -
Mapping Permafrost and Gas Hydrate using Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Methods (CSEM)
The objective of this project is to develop and test a towed electromagnetic source and receiver system suitable for deployment from small coastal vessels to map near-surface... -
Alaska North Slope Gas Hydrate Reservoir Characterization
The goal of this project is to characterize the large in-place methane hydrate resource on the Alaska North Slope (ANS) and to conduct field and lab studies to determine the... -
Alaska North Slope Oil and Gas Transportation Support System (DE-FE0001240)
This project will develop Nowcast/Forecast Tools for industry and resource management agencies to help improve winter transportation network operations. The climate modeling...