Development of methods to assess effects of oil field infrastructure on caribou movements, growth, and survival
Development of methods to model caribou movements using GPS data and assess affects of oil field infrastructure on calf survival. -
Effects of Noise from Vibroseis Equipment on Arctic Fish
The study was designed to address potential physical effects to fish from the energy imparted to a water body by vibroseis equipment and also to semi-quantitatively assess the... -
Distribution, movements, and survival of muskoxen in northeastern Alaska.
Monitoring of distribution, movements, and survival of Muskoxen in northeastern Alaska -
Study of bowhead whale movements and behavior
Bowhead whales are the most important subsistence species for coastal and island communities in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas. We work with subsistence whalers to attach... -
Radio Frequency Identification Tags for Grizzly and Polar Bear Research
The goal of this research and development project was to test the feasibility of the RFID system for grizzly and polar bear research and management by modifying the tags so they... -
Migratory Bird Subsistence Harvest Reports
Monitoring spring and summer subsistence harvests of migratory birds in Alaska is part of the management and conservation efforts required under the Migratory Bird Treaty with... -
Caribou Demography, Distribution and Movements in Relation to Oil Field Infrastructure
This project was designed to complete collection and analysis of data concerning movements, growth rates, and survival of caribou from the Central Arctic herd (CAH) in relation... -
Caribou Health Assessment
The goals of this guide are to provide anyone spending time outdoors with basic information about caribou health conditions that may be observed during wildlife viewing,... -
Village-based Walrus Studies
Working cooperatively with the Eskimo Walrus Commission and walrus hunters from Alaskan coastal communities, we designed a study to deploy satellite transmitters and conduct... -
Community Subsistence Information System (CSIS): Alaska Department of Fish and Game-Subsistence Division
The CSIS is the repository of Alaska community harvest information gathered by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence. It contains harvest information... -
Seasonal movements and habitat use of Broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) in the Teshekpuk Lake region of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, 2003-2005
A primary objective of the study was to determine life history characteristics and seasonal habitat use patterns of broad whitefish using Teshekpuk Lake, the Mayoriak River and... -
Fisheries investigations in streams crossed by the proposed Point Thomson Gas Recycling Project
Fish surveys in streams crossed by the Point Thomson Gas Cycling Project were sampled to provide fish and water quality data. Data were collected over two summer seasons.... -
Porcupine Caribou Herd Fall 2009 Composition Survey
The Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game (ADFG), the Department of Environment, Government of Yukon (YDOE), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge... -
Limnological and Fisheries Investigations of Flooded North Slope Gravel Mine Sites, 1988
Fishery and limnological investigations were conducted at five flooded gravel mine sites in the Prudhoe Bay - Kuparuk oilfields from May through August 1988. Our study included... -
Chukchi Acoustic Project
The objective of this project was to develop a strategy for hydro-acoustic monitoring in the Chukchi Sea. A workshop was convened among key stakeholders with participation from... -
Evaluation of stream crossing structures for providing fish passage in a tundra stream; fish sampling of Fawn Creek, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, 2004
Fyke nets were set throughout Fawn Creek during summer of 2004 to investigate the effectiveness of crossing structures for fish passage. Morris, W.A, and J. F. Winters. 2008.... -
Satellite Tracking of Walruses in the Chukchi Sea
Work with Eskimo Walrus Commission and walrus hunters to design a shore-based satellite tagging project. Locations have not been determine but Wainwright, Pt. Lay, Pt. Hope are... -
Survey of fish habitats in the Teshekpuk Lake region, 2003-2005. Final report. December 2007 (companion report to Technical Report 06-04)
Fish habitats and populations in and around Teshekpuk Lake were investigated during summers 2003 to 2005. Sampling was primarily by fyke net, supplemented by gill net. The... -
Historic and Current Use of Musk Ox by North Slope Residents with Specific Reference to Kaktovik
1991 Report summarizing data considered in subsistence determination regarding harvest of musk ox by Kaktovik residents including historic presence and use of musk ox. -
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System 2002 Fish Habitat Survey
The 1288 km (800 mi) Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), including the 284 associated access roads, crosses 800 rivers and streams between Prudhoe Bay and Valdez, Alaska. These...