Regional Cover Mapping of Tundra Plant Functional Types in Arctic Alaska, circa 2015
Ecosystem maps are foundational tools that support multi-disciplinary study design and applications including wildlife habitat assessment, monitoring, and earth-system modeling.... -
ShoreZone Mapping for the Alaska Coastline
ShoreZone takes a close-up inventory of the biology and geology of North America’s Pacific coast from Oregon to Alaska and in-between. People use the coastal data, imagery, and... -
Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG)-North Slope Coastal Photography
Low altitude oblique photography (2006) of Alaska North slope including the vicinities of Barter Island, Colville River, Demarcation Bay, Point Barrow, Prudhoe Bay and Teshekpuk... -
Imagery and Related GIS Data for Barrow, Alaska, USA (2002)
This product suite contains imagery and related Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data to support multi-disciplinary research of environmental changes in the Barrow, Alaska... -
Tracking Polar Bears by Satellite
Movements of 9 satellite-collared adult female polar bears were tracked in February, 2010 by satellite telemetry. Bears were collared in 2007, 2008, and 2009 on the spring-time... -
Teshekpuk Lake Observatory
Teshekpuk Lake is the largest lake in the Alaskan Arctic and the third largest lake in the state. The Teshekpuk Lake region provides important habitat to a wide variety of... -
National Data Buoy Center - Red Dog Dock, AK
Data is collected on wind direction and speed, pressure, temperature, and wind chill. Data is updated up to 10 times an hour. Historical datasets are also available for download. -
Physical Oceanography of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
These websites present information related to water circulation in the Chukchi Sea. Currents, water velocity, temperature, salinity, wind, sea ice, and seasonal variation are... -
Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook (SIWO)
The Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook (SIWO), an activity of the SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook started in 2010, is a resource for Alaska Native subsistence hunters, coastal communities, and... -
Geophysical Sea Ice Group
In the Floating Ice Group, we study a broad range of subjects with global implications that all arise from the peculiarities of the water molecule. In our floating ice world... -
A variety of empirical and modeling approaches are being taken to assess the history and risk of erosion and flooding along the Chukchi Sea coast near Barrow, Alaska. Part of a... -
Arctic Report Card
The Arctic Report Card (www.arctic.noaa.gov/reportcard/) considers a wide range of environmental observations throughout the Arctic, and is updated annually. A major conclusion... -
Physical Oceanography of Alaska's Beaufort Sea
The Alaskan Beaufort Sea continental shelf spans approximately 600 km along-shore and 80 km in the cross-shore direction. Circulation patterns of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas... -
Arctic Ocean Exploration
On the Arctic 2002 expedition, 46 scientists from the United States, Canada, Japan and China gathered by ship and charter aircraft at the little Alaskan town of Kugluktuk. The... -
Nuiqsut: Orthoimagery
This RGB and CIR imagery comes from a high resolution LiDAR dataset of the Nuiqsut, and is part of a series of 2013 LiDAR and imagery collections by EPSCoR Northern Test Case... -
Arctic Sea Ice Dataset
The monthly Sea Ice Index provides a quick look at Arctic-wide changes in sea ice. It is a source for consistently processed ice extent and concentration images and data values... -
Nuiqsut: Lidar
This high resolution LiDAR dataset of the village of Nuiqsut is part of a series of 2013 LiDAR and imagery collections by EPSCoR Northern Test Case. This LiDAR was collected at... -
The purpose of the marine mammal ecology survey is to increase current knowledge of the movements, distribution and abundance of marine mammals during the open water season... -
Vertex - Alaska Satellite Facility's Data Portal
Vertex is the Alaska Satellite Facility’s data portal for remotely sensed imagery of the earth. The ASF Datapool and the ASF Subsetter offer synthetic aperture radar data... -
Arctic Change
The objective of this website is to present recent indicators that describe the present state of the Arctic climate and ecosystem in an accessible, understandable, and credible...