North Slope Infrastructure (V13): Roads, Pipelines and Developed Areas - Update 03/22/2023
This North Slope infrastructure GIS dataset includes roads (line), pipelines (line) and developed areas (polygon) as separate feature classes. Downloads are in shapefile and... -
NSSI Lakes Data: SAR Mapping Winter Liquid Water Availability on the North Slope Coastal Plain
Shapefiles and Report The North Slope coastal plain represents a unique landscape that is characterized by permafrost and an immense number of freshwater lakes of varying sizes... -
Ecological Mapping and Permafrost Database for Northern Alaska (Final Ecological Mapping Update (2014))
Note:This revision updates the geodatabase and shapefiles associated with the prior Landscape Level Ecological Mapping of Northern Alaska (NOAK). It includes recoding of some... -
Regional Cover Mapping of Tundra Plant Functional Types in Arctic Alaska, circa 2015
Ecosystem maps are foundational tools that support multi-disciplinary study design and applications including wildlife habitat assessment, monitoring, and earth-system modeling.... -
Onshore Environment: ABR Ecotype, Waterbody and Habitat Mapping ONES study area
ABR prepared extensive-scale wildlife habitat, ecotype and waterbody maps for the entire ONES study area. Documentation is available in product metadata and in the report... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Chukchi Data: Current, Ice Velocity, Source Book Data, Water Properties, Waves
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Beaufort Data: Current, Ice Velocity, Source Book Data, Water Properties, Waves
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
NSSI Scenarios Final Reports: Prioritizing Science Needs Through Participatory Scenarios for Energy and Resource Development on the North Slope and Adjacent Seas.
This record contains reports produced by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) scenario project. The following reports can be downloaded using the links below:... -
NSSI Scenarios GIS Data: Prioritizing Science Needs Through Participatory Scenarios for Energy and Resource Development on the North Slope and Adjacent Seas.
This record contains the data used by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) scenario process. These data sets are listed in the Alaska DataCatalog. The data sets are... -
Hydrology: AHC and ERM Major River Preliminary Fluvial-Geomorphic Evaluation
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated onshore hydrological studies in northern Alaska starting in 2010. Arctic Hydrologic Consultants and ERM were tasked... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Chukchi Data: Ice Draft
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Beaufort Data: Ice Draft
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
Hydrology: AHC and ERM Channel Flood Geometry
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated onshore hydrological studies in northern Alaska starting in 2010. Arctic Hydrologic Consultants and ERM were tasked... -
Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG)-North Slope Coastal Photography
Low altitude oblique photography (2006) of Alaska North slope including the vicinities of Barter Island, Colville River, Demarcation Bay, Point Barrow, Prudhoe Bay and Teshekpuk... -
North Slope PRISM Shorebird Location and Plot Survey Geodatabase
This dataset consists of a polygon vector file representing 767 plots surveyed as part of the Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring (PRISM). For each plot,... -
Earth Cover Classification - Dalton Highway - Report and GIS Raster
BLM and Ducks Unlimited (DU) cooperatively mapped a study area along the Dalton Highway using portions of four Landsat TM scenes (1999-2001) and classified 43 earth cover... -
Aquabase Geodatabase: Freshwater fish and hydrology (02/2013)
Aquabase is a geodatabase that links freshwater fish and hydrological information with referenced waterbody locations. Presently, the geospatial region covered is Alaska's... -
GIS Data for Kuparuk River Basin Region of North Slope
This data set includes ArcInfo-formatted maps of the Kuparuk River Basin Region of the Alaskan North Slope (at 1:250,000 scale) and five subset study areas: the Upper Kuparuk... -
Earth Cover Classification - National Petroleum Reserve Alaska - Report and GIS Raster
Eight Landsat TM and three SPOT satellite scenes were used to determine earth cover categories for this 9,300,000 hectare (23,000,000 acre) study area. Seven major classes and... -
Imagery and Related GIS Data for Barrow, Alaska, USA (2002)
This product suite contains imagery and related Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data to support multi-disciplinary research of environmental changes in the Barrow, Alaska...