Oil in Ice: Transport, Fate, and Potential Exposure
The purpose of this project has been to provide a basis and methodology for estimating routes and magnitudes of potential environmental exposures and concentrations of oil... -
Workshop on Design Concerns for Studies Focused on the Influence of Oil/Gas Development on Nest Success of Shorebirds
Predator population size and/or productivity is inferred to be higher in the oil fields than in undeveloped portions of the North Slope. Project provided the design for a... -
Effects of Oil Field Development on Population and Distribution of Tundra Swans
Addresses questions regarding potential oilfield effects on nest distribution, particularly the effects of the existing oilfield facilities and any new additions (pads or... -
Petroleum and Mineral Resources in the North Slope Borough
This map product displays information regarding oil, gas, and coal development within the North Slope Borough. Information on the status and ownership of oil and gas leases are... -
Alaska Petroleum Resources
Because Alaska is rich in scenic, biologic, mineral, and energy resources and because the federal government is a major land holder, issues arise over land use and the relative...