Polar Bear Denning Resources
This entry is a composite of several studies and methods for investigating polar bear den locations, habitats, and behavior. -
Subsistence Study for North Aleutian Basin (AK-08-06)
This study serves the final report for the North Aleutian Basin Subsistence Study on the people and subsistence activities in the villages around the proposed North Aleutian... -
COMIDA: Impact Monitoring for Offshore Subsistence Hunting (AK-08-04)
Monitoring efforts were initiated in 2009 and focused on offshore subsistence hunting for key marine mammals (bowhead and beluga whales, walrus, seals, and polar bears) in the... -
Oil Spill Occurrence Estimators for Onshore Alaska North Slope Crude and Refined Oil Spills (AK-11-02)
BOEM is charged with ensuring the environmentally and economically sound management of offshore resources on the U.S. OCS. Estimates of oil spill occurrence rates are useful for... -
Migratory Birds: Population Trends of Eiders
The eiders that migrate through northwest Alaska nest at dispersed locations across northern Alaska and Canada. Because they are widespread it is difficult to get a good... -
Wading Shorebird Habitats, Food Resources, Associated Infauna, Sediment Characteristics and Bioremediation Potential of resident Microbiota of Deltaic Mudflats (AK-11-10b)
Nearshore shelf areas of the Beaufort Sea support diverse biota during the summer. Characteristics of sediments and their influence on lower trophic levels were studied to... -
Environmental Effects from Arctic Oil Spills
In the event of an oil spill, there are always major concerns about the severity of environmental effects. In the Arctic, this concern is even higher because of the assumption... -
Ecology of Arctic and Sub-Arctic Freshwater Fishes
Fish and aquatic ecosystems are iconic symbols of Alaska and are vital to the social, economic, and environmental welfare of the state. While relatively much is known about the... -
Earthquake Monitoring in Alaska
This project is working to maintain and improve earthquake monitoring in Alaska, with a focus on urban areas, critical facilities, and relatively likely sources of earthquakes... -
Understanding the Ecology of Pacific Walrus Populations to Support Department of Interior Regulatory Agencies and Provide Information to Native Subsistence Communities
Using radio tagging to investigate changes in Pacific walrus movements, breeding and hunting in response to climate change and human influence on habitat. Climate change and its... -
Chukchi Sea Subsistence Monitoring
These studies provide long-term monitoring data to assess and mitigate potential direct and indirect (downstream) effects on offshore subsistence hunting and sharing network... -
North Slope Whitefish Studies
Coastal and watershed areas between Barrow and Deadhorse are the focus of broad whitefish studies. Topics of investigation include fidelity to summer feeding areas, and spawning... -
Polar Bear Population Monitoring
Polar bear population is tracked through aerial surveys, monitoring harvests by indigenous communities and incidental deaths caused by the oil and gas industry. Polar bear... -
Development of Bias-Corrected Precipitation Dataset and Climatology for the Arctic Regions
Precipitation is one of the key components in hydrological modeling and process studies. It is also the most important variable in global change analyses, as change of... -
Autumn polar bear surveys on the Beaufort Sea Alaska coast
The primary objective of the polar bear program is to ensure that polar bear populations in Alaska remain a healthy, functioning component of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort... -
eMODIS Alaska
eMODIS Alaska provides a consistent historical satellite imagery record (2000 to the present) useful to large-scale monitoring. Enhanced Moderate Resolution Imaging... -
Enhancing forecasts of polar bear and walrus population response to a rapidly changing Arctic ecosystem (New methods to estimate demographic parameters of walruses)
Nothing is known about the demographic rates of walrus, much less potential changes in these demographic rates caused by changing sea ice conditions due to climate change.... -
Conservation of North American Sea Ducks
Sea Ducks are the least studied group of North America waterfowl. Problems with sea duck populations are widespread within the northern hemisphere and have become... -
Enhancing forecasts of walrus population response to a rapidly changing Arctic ecosystem (Modeling walrus population dynamics and bioenergetics)
The Pacific walrus is a benthic feeding, ice-associated pinniped that ranges over the continental shelves of the Bering and Chukchi seas. The extent of summer sea ice in the... -
Understanding and Forecasting the Response of Polar Bear Populations to a Rapidly Diminishing Sea Ice Environment
Focus is polar bear diet, habitat use, population dynamics, effects of climate change and human interactions, and other topics related to polar bear ecology. The Polar Bear...