Acoustic & Marine Mammal Monitoring
Perform acoustical measurements of Northstar related activities and whale calls in relation to Northstar Island sounds. -
Hanna Shoal Regional Study Area
This data displays a core outline of the Hanna Shoal Ecosystem Study area. -
Breeding bird diversity, density, nesting success and nest predators in the region of the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area – 2008
Assessing nesting biology and nesting success of tundra-nesting birds in the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area of the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska -
Rehabilitation Activities for 2008
Rehabilitation activities and monitoring of the following 12 sites: Eileen West End, Tract TC-3, Pad 3 East End, Term Well A, GC-2 Spill, Sag River 1, Kuparuk River State, MS-3,... -
Soil temperature monitoring
Temperature data loggers record soil temperatures at over 30 locations in the refuge, to document differences in soil temperature over time and between different landscapes and... -
Earthquake Monitoring in Alaska
This project is working to maintain and improve earthquake monitoring in Alaska, with a focus on urban areas, critical facilities, and relatively likely sources of earthquakes... -
Active layer depth monitoring.
Monitoring active layer depths at 19 monitoring stations located within the North Slope oil fields and along Dalton Highway -
NE NPR-A Water Resources and NW NPR-A Water Resources
Hydrology and meteorology data collected and correlated with critical aquatic and terrestrial habitat areas for fisheries, waterfowl and mammal studies. Data will be used for... -
Nesting success and nest predators of tundra-nesting birds in the Prudhoe Bay Oilfield
Long-term study examining nesting biology of tundra-nesting birds on 12 10-ha study plots in the WOA, EOA, and Endicott fields. Publications: Liebezeit, J. R., S. J. Kendall, S.... -
Active Layer Thickness Monitoring
Conducted in plots established along 15 permanent transects. Transect locations were established during 2005 and selected to provide a diversity of landform types and ecological... -
Permanent vegetation plots at long term ecological monitoring sites
Collect baseline data and document changes over time for plant species occurrence and cover, and soil characteristics, at 5 sites representing each of the major ecoregions... -
Avian Studies in the Kuparuk Oilfield
Studies focuses on the abundance, distribution, habitat use of Spectacled Eider (pre-nesting and nesting), Tundra Swan (nesting and brood-rearing), Brant (nesting and... -
Vegetation Monitoring
Conducted in plots established along 15 permanent transects. Transect locations were established during 2005 and selected to provide a diversity of vegetation types and... -
Climate and active-layer stations in the NPR-A and ANWR coastal plain
Array of 16 automated climate-soil stations started in 1998, 7 co-located with deep boreholes. Collecting air temperature, wind speed and direction, ground temperature, soil... -
Anaktuvuk River Fire Vegetation Recovery
Tundra vegetation recovery post-fire; active layer depth. Permanent transects, including 2 paired control transects, were established following unusually large and severe North... -
Fish Habitat Management & Monitoring Related to Oil and Gas Exploration in the NPRA
Develops fish habitat management guidelines & industry monitoring requirements for area-specific exploration; conducts on-site monitoring evaluations (ROP effectiveness... -
Oooguruk Development Project
The Oooguruk project is located in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea and consists of a 6 acre gravel drill site approximately 5 miles offshore in 4.5 feet of water. The drill site is... -
Stream and Lake Monitoring in NPRA
This work documents aquatic baseline conditions prior to development and monitors ongoing conditions at impacted and reference sites throughout the development time-frame. This... -
Fish Monitoring Studies in Prudhoe Bay
This study collects data about fish populations and characteristics in the near shore Beaufort Sea. Collect data on anadromous and amphidromous fish population characteristics... -
Permafrost and Climate-Monitoring Network (DOI/GTN)
DOI/Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost borehole array is used to monitor the thermal state of the underlying permafrost. This is the largest array of deep boreholes in...