Estimates of Subsistence Harvest for Villages on the North Slope of Alaska
The North Slope Borough has made a commitment to develop information about the region’s subsistence harvest and to share some of this information with the public, state and... -
Porcupine Caribou Herd photocensus
Estimate population size of the Porcupine Caribou Herd during the post-calving aggregation period on the Refuge coastal plain. -
Porcupine Caribou Herd productivity and early calf survival
Estimate parturition rate among adult cows, and survival of calves to 1 month. The CAFF Carma website provides further information on circum-arctic caribou populations (see link... -
Using Satellite Remote-Sensing in Landscape-Scale Wildlife and Ecological Process Studies in Terrestrial and Marine Areas of northern North America
This project serves as a focal point of capability and expertise for integrating remote sensing, satellite telemetry and GIS. Working collaboratively with other principal... -
Teshekpuk Caribou Movement and Range Use
Ongoing analysis of how caribou use the land during the different seasons of the year, including calving areas, insect relief areas and wintering areas. Also analyses of... -
Porcupine Herd Management Board
This is a cooperative project that communicates information about the Porcupine Herd and provides recommendations to agencies responsible for managing the herd. Scientists use... -
Distribution and seasonal migrations of caribou in the Arctic NWR
Document habitats used by caribou of the Porcupine and Central Arctic Herds for calving, post calving, and overwintering, and identify migratory routes. -
Porcupine Caribou Herd
A video shows movements of 98 satellite collared adult females between 1985 and 2010. Publications: Russell, D. E., A. M. Martell, and W.A.C. Nixon. 1993. The range ecology of... -
Teshekpuk Lake Caribou Herd
A video shows satellite collar movements on 59 adult females between 1990 and 2008. Publications: Carroll, G.M. 1992. Teshekpuk Lake caribou survey-inventory progress report,... -
Survey of Mammals within GKA
Delineate the regional distribution and quantify the abundance of caribou during the calving season in four survey areas (Kuparuk Field, Kuparuk South, Colville River delta, NE... -
ADFG Management and Harvest Reports: Moose, Caribou, Brown Bear, Wolves, Dall Sheep, Muskox, and Furbearers
Management reports are statewide reports of fieldwork with emphasis on management objectives, work accomplishments, harvest information and wildlife population sizes and... -
Teshekpuk Caribou Herd Monitoring
Annual Monitoring, parturition rate, fall recruitment, spring recruitment, herd composition, animal condition, abundance estimation. Publications: Carroll GM, Parrett LS,... -
Oooguruk Development Project
The Oooguruk project is located in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea and consists of a 6 acre gravel drill site approximately 5 miles offshore in 4.5 feet of water. The drill site is... -
Central Arctic Caribou Herd Monitoring
Annual Monitoring, calving success, calf survival, animal condition for the Central Arctic Herd. Abundance monitoring every 3rd year. -
Western Arctic Caribou Herd Monitoring
Annual Monitoring, calving success, calf survival, animal condition. Abundance monitoring every year or 2rd year. -
Central Arctic Herd (CAH) Caribou
A video shows movements of 98 satellite collared adult females between 1985 and 2008. -
Western Arctic Caribou Herd
A video shows satellite collar movements on 87 adult females between 1988 and 2006. Publications: DAU, J. 2007. Western Arctic Herd caribou management report. Pages 174-231 in...