Population Trends and Demography of Moose in Arctic NWR
Distribution and demographic characteristics of moose in the Refuge. This is a very low density population. -
Central Arctic Wolf Trend Counts
Use reconnaissance track survey to estimate number of wolves in an area bounded by the Colville, Killik, and Anaktuvuk River drainages and north of 68°17'. -
Greater Prudhoe Bay Fox Den Monitoring
Studies in the region from the late 1960s to the early 1980s focused on the general biology of arctic foxes around the oil fields including food habits, den characteristics,... -
Distribution, abundance, population structure, reproductive success, and survival of muskoxen in northeastern Alaska
Musk Oxen populations are estimated from observations taken during aerial surveys. Hunting permits are given out based on pre-calving populations. A reestablished population of... -
Colville River Moose Monitoring
Annual monitoring: trend area count, calving success, calf survival, fall composition. Spring census every 3rd year. Publications: O'Hara TM, Carroll G, Barboza P, Mueller K,...