Chukchi Offshore Monitoring in Drilling Area (COMIDA): Factors Affecting the Distribution and Relative Abundance of Endangered Whales and Other Marine Mammals in the Chukchi Sea
The Chukchi Sea shelf is a bathymetrically complex region where air-sea-ice interactions govern ecosystem structure and function. CHAOZ used a combination of autonomous moored... -
Workshop on Design Concerns for Studies Focused on the Influence of Oil/Gas Development on Nest Success of Shorebirds
Predator population size and/or productivity is inferred to be higher in the oil fields than in undeveloped portions of the North Slope. Project provided the design for a... -
Reduction of Garbage in the Diet of Nonbreeding Glaucous Gulls Corresponding to a Change in Waste Management
Glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) are major predators in the Arctic and may benefit from human development. We studied use of garbage by glaucous gulls in Barrow, Alaska, in... -
Emissions, Meteorological Data, and Air Pollutant Monitoring for Alaska’s North Slope
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) received a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to prepare a report summarizing current air... -
Petroleum and Mineral Resources in the North Slope Borough
This map product displays information regarding oil, gas, and coal development within the North Slope Borough. Information on the status and ownership of oil and gas leases are... -
Environmental Protection Agency - EnviroMapper
This Web site provides access to several EPA databases to provide you with information about environmental activities that may affect air, water, and land anywhere in the United... -
Fish Habitat Management & Monitoring Related to Oil and Gas Exploration in the NPRA
Develops fish habitat management guidelines & industry monitoring requirements for area-specific exploration; conducts on-site monitoring evaluations (ROP effectiveness... -
River Gauging and Climate Stations in NPR-A
Development of rating curves, flood frequency, and flood magnitude can aid in infrastructure routing/design and characterizing regional hydrologic trends. Six river gauging... -
Influence of human development and predators on nest survival of tundra birds, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
Nest predation may influence population dynamics of birds on the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of Alaska. Anthropogenic development on the ACP is increasing, which may attract...