Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment 2009 Report and 2021 Update
Circumpolar assessment of ship transport on the Arctic Ocean and marine infrastructure requirements along with their potential impacts on humans and the Arctic marine... -
Heavy metal and mineral concentrations and their relationship to histopathological findings in the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus)
This study evaluated the concentration of six essential and non-essential elements (Zn, Hg, Ag,Se, Cu, and Cd) in liver and kidney of 64 bowhead whales. Rosa, C., Blake, J.E.,... -
Vitamin A and E tissue distribution with comparisons to organochlorine concentrations in the serum, blubber and liver of the bowhead whale
Some persistent organic contaminants can have a negative effect on retinol concentration in serum of pinnipeds and cetaceans. Rosa, C., Blake, J.E., L. Mazzaro, P. Hoekstra,... -
Trace elements in tissues of phocid seals harvested in the Alaskan and Canadian Arctic - Influence of age and feeding ecology
Selected trace elements (Ag, Cu, Cd, Se, An, THg, and MeHg) were measured in subsistence harvested seals. Ringed, bearded and spotted seals were obtained from Alaska along with... -
Organic nutrients and contaminants in subsistence species of Alaska: Concentrations and relationship to food preparation method
To determine nutrient and contaminant concentrations, document concentration changes related to common preparation methods and provide a basic risk-benefit analysis for select... -
Ecological Land Survey for the Central Kuparuk Study Area - 2006
The objectives of this ecological land survey were to: 1)Conduct field survey of ecosystem components including geomorphology (surface geology), topography, soils, hydrology... -
Serum thyroid hormone concentrations and thyroid histomorphology as biomarkers in bowhead whales.
Serum thyroid hormone (TH) concentrations have been used alone or with other measurements to assess health status or effects of toxicant exposure in marine mammals. Rosa, C.,... -
Seasonal movements and habitat use of Broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) in the Teshekpuk Lake region of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, 2003-2005
A primary objective of the study was to determine life history characteristics and seasonal habitat use patterns of broad whitefish using Teshekpuk Lake, the Mayoriak River and... -
Fisheries investigations in streams crossed by the proposed Point Thomson Gas Recycling Project
Fish surveys in streams crossed by the Point Thomson Gas Cycling Project were sampled to provide fish and water quality data. Data were collected over two summer seasons.... -
Long-term Monitoring of Vegetation Change Following Tundra Fires in Noatak National Preserve, Alaska
Fire is an important driver of change at the local and landscape levels in the tundra ecosystems of Noatak National Preserve. In July 2005, with support from the National Park... -
Persistent organic pollutants in Alaskan ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) blubber
Since 1987, the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project (AMMTAP) has collected tissues from 18 marine mammal species. Specimens are archived in the National Institute of... -
Trophic relationships in an Arctic food web and implications for trace metal transfer
Arctic mammals that were harvested for subsistence were analyzed for Ag, Cd, and THg. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were evaluated to establish trophic interactions within... -
Mercury concentrations in Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears:Variation based on stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen
Total Hg was measured in 52 adult polar bears captured during 2005 to assess feeding ecology and other biological factors. Cardona-Marek, T., K. K. Knott, B. E. Meyer, T. M.... -
Organohalogen concentrations in blood and adipose tissue of Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears
151 organohalogen chemicals (OHCs) in whole blood and subcutaneous fat of 57 polar bears sampled along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea coast in spring, 2003 were analyzed for major... -
Evaluation of stream crossing structures for providing fish passage in a tundra stream; fish sampling of Fawn Creek, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, 2004
Fyke nets were set throughout Fawn Creek during summer of 2004 to investigate the effectiveness of crossing structures for fish passage. Morris, W.A, and J. F. Winters. 2008.... -
Survey of fish habitats in the Teshekpuk Lake region, 2003-2005. Final report. December 2007 (companion report to Technical Report 06-04)
Fish habitats and populations in and around Teshekpuk Lake were investigated during summers 2003 to 2005. Sampling was primarily by fyke net, supplemented by gill net. The... -
Persistent organochlorine pollutants in ringed seals and polar bears collected from northern Alaska
Blubber samples from ringed seal (Phoca hispida; n=8) and polar bear subcutaneous fat (Ursus maritimus; n=5) were collected near Barrow, Alaska in 1996 as part of the Alaska... -
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System 2002 Fish Habitat Survey
The 1288 km (800 mi) Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), including the 284 associated access roads, crosses 800 rivers and streams between Prudhoe Bay and Valdez, Alaska. These... -
Tundra stream fish habitat investigations in the North Slope oil fields
This report summarizes results of tundra stream fish sampling in the Prudhoe and Kuparuk Units of the North Slope oilfields and water quality investigations at the Put 27 Mine... -
Circumpolar pattern of mercury and cadmium in ringed seals
Mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd) concentrations in ringed seal liver and kidney were compared from 11 locations across the Arctic, from Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Svalbard to the...