Stinky gray whale investigations
Subsistence hunters have reported the existence of stinky whales since the 1960s. Studies were conducted to determine the sources of this smell. -
Study of bowhead whale movements and behavior
Bowhead whales are the most important subsistence species for coastal and island communities in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas. We work with subsistence whalers to attach... -
Episodic Upwelling of Zooplankton within a Bowhead Whale Feeding Area near Barrow, AK
Our long term goals are to understand 1 the biological-physical oceanographic characteristics and mechanisms on the shelf near Barrow, AK that together produce a favorable... -
Acoustic & Marine Mammal Monitoring
Perform acoustical measurements of Northstar related activities and whale calls in relation to Northstar Island sounds. -
Distribution and Relative Abundance of Arctic Marine Mammals
Inter-agency agreements have been established between the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Department of Interior and the Marine Mammal Laboratory, Alaska Fisheries... -
Bowhead Whale Study - Accoustics
The NSB DWM has conducted acoustic surveys in most years since 1984 (more on tacoustics data at NSB website). The acoustic data have been used to locate whales and make call... -
Radio Frequency Identification Tags for Grizzly and Polar Bear Research
The goal of this research and development project was to test the feasibility of the RFID system for grizzly and polar bear research and management by modifying the tags so they... -
Traditional Knowledge Regarding Bowhead Whales in the Chukchi Sea (AK-93-48-68)
Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) are an important subsistence and cultural resource for coastal people of western and northern Alaska, as well as an important component of... -
Pinniped Movements and Foraging: Bearded Seals (AK-07-08)
Bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) are one of the most important subsistence resources for the indigenous people of coastal Alaska, as well as key components of Arctic marine... -
Monitoring the Distribution of Arctic Whales
These continuing BOEM studies are needed for decisions on environmental assessment and exploration monitoring for past and upcoming OCS activity in the Beaufort Sea. It... -
North Pacific Right Whales In The Southeastern Bering Sea: Distribution, Abundance, And Habitat Use
The lA study was a multi-year project which featured multi-disciplinary investigations of right whale occurrence, movements and feeding ecology. The overall goal of the lA study... -
Trophic Links: Forage Fish, Their Prey, and Ice Seals in the Northeast Chukchi Sea (AK-08-12-05)
The goal of this research was to examine the feeding ecology of Arctic fishes and ice seals in the Northern Chukchi Sea to provide a baseline for assessing how trophic structure... -
Bowhead whale body condition and links to summer sea ice and upwelling in the Beaufort Sea
We examined the response of bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) body condition to summer sea ice conditions and upwelling-favorable winds. We used a long-term dataset collected... -
Village-based Walrus Studies
Working cooperatively with the Eskimo Walrus Commission and walrus hunters from Alaskan coastal communities, we designed a study to deploy satellite transmitters and conduct... -
Marine Mammal Monitoring
Objectives: Determine species composition, temporal and spatial abundance, density and distribution of marine mammals in the Klondike and Burger areas. Also identify important... -
CHukchi Acoustics, Oceanography, and Zooplankton Study (CHAOZ)
Use passive acoustic techniques to document the general presence and detailed movements of bowhead, fin, gray, humpback, and other baleen whales in areas of potential seismic,... -
Denning Locations of Polar Bears Near Development
Use aircraft mounted FLIR for the detection of polar bear maternal dens. -
Polar Bear Den Emergence Study
Study polar bear behavior at maternal den sites within the greater Prudhoe Bay.