Timing and Statistics of Autumn and Spring Annual Snow Cover for the Northern Hemisphere (1972-2000)
The National Snow and Ice Data Center hosts a time-series data set comprising annual snow cover data for the Northern Hemisphere (covering land primarily over 45 degrees North)... -
Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG)-North Slope Coastal Photography
Low altitude oblique photography (2006) of Alaska North slope including the vicinities of Barter Island, Colville River, Demarcation Bay, Point Barrow, Prudhoe Bay and Teshekpuk... -
Decision for Steller's Eider Reintroduction
The purpose of this document is to describe the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s (FWS) evaluation of the Steller’s Eider Reintroduction Program (SERP), share the input... -
Development of methods to assess effects of oil field infrastructure on caribou movements, growth, and survival
Development of methods to model caribou movements using GPS data and assess affects of oil field infrastructure on calf survival. -
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Since 1976, NSIDC scientists have worked to improve understanding of how the cryosphere is changing, forecasting of what the impacts of these changes will be, and global... -
Promoting Spill Preparedness in Western Arctic Parks with the Community Integrated Coastal Response Project
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact and effectiveness traditional “dig and haul” cleanup procedures have on drainage at an Arctic spill site and to monitor... -
Assessment of the Punyik Point site
Punyik Point is one of the most significant archaeological sites on the North Slope. Assessment work at this site produced previously unknown findings - the presence of... -
Effects of Noise from Vibroseis Equipment on Arctic Fish
The study was designed to address potential physical effects to fish from the energy imparted to a water body by vibroseis equipment and also to semi-quantitatively assess the... -
Distribution, movements, and survival of muskoxen in northeastern Alaska.
Monitoring of distribution, movements, and survival of Muskoxen in northeastern Alaska -
Ecological Land Survey And Synthesis For The Arctic Network Of National Parks
This report provides the results of a eight-year effort (2002–2009) by ABR,Inc. –Environmental Research & Services to survey, compile, analyze, and map ecosystems across the... -
Long Term Vegetation Change Following Tundra Fire
Wildland fire is one of the most influential environmental processes across the Alaskan landscape. Fire affects all of the National Parks in the Arctic Network; in the past 50... -
Terrestrial vegetation monitoring protocol for the Arctic Alaska Network: Establishment, sampling, and analysis of permanent monitoring plots
Vegetation was selected as a “vital sign” for long-term monitoring in the Arctic Inventory and Monitoring Network (ARCN) of the National Park Service. Vegetation in ARCN is... -
Glaucous Gulls in NPR-A
This project has two main components, (1) to document the diet of Glaucous Gulls and (2) to document the movements of gulls to help interpret results of the diet section. -
Wild Fish and Salmon Subsistence Harvest Assessment in Selected North Slope Borough Communities
These reports summarize subsistence use of fish resources for selected North Slope communities. -
Teshekpuk Lake Fish Habitat
Identifies critical, high-use habitat for fish in and around Teshekpuk Lake -
Compilation of Existing Species Data for Alaska's National Parks. Final report
In February 2000 the Alaska Natural Heritage Program (AKNHP) entered into a cooperative agreement with the Alaska Support Office of the National Park Service to assist with Step... -
Tundra Nesting Bird Surveys
Breeding ecology and limiting factors of tundra nesting birds in Prudhoe Bay area and near the Canning River Delta. -
Inventory and monitoring of snow goose colony at the Ikpikpuk River Delta
Inventory and monitoring of snow goose colony at the Ikpikpuk River Delta. -
Grizzly bears on the North Slope and in the Arctic NWR
Grizzly bears in arctic Alaska are living at the edge of their range and are an important component of predator-prey systems. We are using GSP/satellite collars on grizzly bears... -
Hydrologic Monitoring of North Slope Rivers - Water Dashboard
The USGS operates stream gages on the North Slope. Data available for sites as listed below at Water Dashboard website.