NSSI Scenarios Final Reports: Prioritizing Science Needs Through Participatory Scenarios for Energy and Resource Development on the North Slope and Adjacent Seas.
This record contains reports produced by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) scenario project. The following reports can be downloaded using the links below:... -
NSSI Scenarios GIS Data: Prioritizing Science Needs Through Participatory Scenarios for Energy and Resource Development on the North Slope and Adjacent Seas.
This record contains the data used by the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) scenario process. These data sets are listed in the Alaska DataCatalog. The data sets are... -
The Next Horizon Socio-cultural Study of Oil Development and Nuiqsut
This study is a soci-cultural study of the impact of oil development on the native community of Nuiqsut. It was commissioned in 2012 by ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc. as a follow... -
Ecosystems of Northern Alaska - 2010
A map of local-scale ecosystems (ecotypes) that encompasses the Brooks Range, Brooks Foothills, and Beaufort Coastal Plain ecoregions was compiled using vegetation structure... -
Spring Breakup, Summer Monitoring, Hydrological Assessment and Culvert Monitoring Report Greater Moose's Tooth (2018-2021)
Spring breakup is generally considered the largest annual flooding event in this region of the North Slope of Alaska. Preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic assessments of the... -
Hydrology: AHC and ERM Major River Preliminary Fluvial-Geomorphic Evaluation
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated onshore hydrological studies in northern Alaska starting in 2010. Arctic Hydrologic Consultants and ERM were tasked... -
DOI/GTN-P Climate and Active-Layer Data Acquired in the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1998–2019
This report provides data collected by the climate monitoring array of the U.S. Department of the Interior on Federal lands in Arctic Alaska over the period August 1998 to July... -
ShoreZone Mapping for the Alaska Coastline
ShoreZone takes a close-up inventory of the biology and geology of North America’s Pacific coast from Oregon to Alaska and in-between. People use the coastal data, imagery, and... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Chukchi Data: Ice Draft
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
ULS and ADCP: ASL Beaufort Data: Ice Draft
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated offshore deployments of Upward Looking Sonar and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers in the Beaufort Sea starting in... -
Hydrology: AHC and ERM Channel Flood Geometry
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated onshore hydrological studies in northern Alaska starting in 2010. Arctic Hydrologic Consultants and ERM were tasked... -
BPXA Long Term Monitoring: Vegetation
In 2005 researchers established 15 permanent transects in the BP oil fields. The transects are 500 meters long and extend perpendicular to roads. They are located within the... -
BPXA Rehabilitation Sites - 2006 and 2008 Summaries
BP Exploration Alaska Inc. Environmental Studies Group (BPXA-ESG) rehabilitation plans and monitoring reports are provided for site rehabilitation/revegetation projects.... -
NPR-A Caribou Subsistence Harvest Documentation
Documents the annual subsistence harvest of caribou by residents of Nuiqsut, Barrow and Atqasuk for a five year period, including locational information on harvest and in-depth... -
Onshore/Nearshore: ABR ONES Desktop Studies 2014-2015 Final Reports
Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated the Onshore/Nearshore Environmental Studies (ONES) program starting in 2010 to address environmental issues... -
Discharge, flooding and modeling for the Colville River Delta (1992-2009)
These reports summarize annual peak discharge, flood frequency analysis and 2D surface models for the Colville River Delta. -
North Slope Borough Wildlife and Subsistence Resource Assessment
The North Slope Borough, Department of Wildlife Management conducts research on wildlife and subsistence resources on the North Slope, including their biology and natural... -
Stinky gray whale investigations
Subsistence hunters have reported the existence of stinky whales since the 1960s. Studies were conducted to determine the sources of this smell. -
Monitoring Beaufort Sea Waterfowl and Marine Birds - Aerial Survey (2002)
MONITORING BEAUFORT SEA WATER-FOWL AND MARINE BIRDS: AERIAL SURVEY COMPONENT Contract Number:16950 Author:Julian B. Fischer, Tim J. Tiplady, and William W. Larned Pages:147...