Migratory movements of Dunlin
Objective: Document stopover locations and winter areas of Dunlin (Calidris alpina) from their breeding grounds in Alaska, using re-sightings of bands and locations derived from... -
Forecasting Effects of Climate Change on the Distribution and Abundance of Bird Populations across the Boreal-Arctic Transition Zone
The boreal forest biome dominates the Alaskan landscape and transitions to extensive arctic and subarctic tundra ecosystems to both the north and west. The boreal-arctic... -
Resilient Landscapes and Fire Regimes: Meaning, Metrics, and Management
Resilience may be a concept that managers and policy makers can understand in a general sense, but how can this concept be operationalized to guide ecosystem management in... -
Arctic and Red fox abundance at the Canning River Delta
Breeding ecology and limiting factors of tundra nesting birds near the Canning River Delta (the Canning River long-term ecological monitoring site). Development of methods to... -
Porcupine Caribou Monitoring
Long-term monitoring of the Porcupine Caribou Herd in the Brooks Range and coastal plain east of the Canning River, including northern Yukon, Canada. -
Community Outreach
Some programs/opportunities will include: eider recovery outreach and education; student internship summer programs (Eider journey, lemming monitoring etc.); science and culture... -
Walrus Haulout Management--Pt. Lay
Pacific walrus adult females and dependent young have hauled out on the barrier island near Point Lay nearly each summer/fall since 2010. Due to the potential for... -
Environmental Effects on the Breeding Ecology of Shorebirds at Barrow, Alaska
Objective: Document how climate change, fox removal, avian predators, food resources, alternative food resources for predators, weather, and other factors are affecting nest... -
Hydroclimatic Monitoring in Kuaparuk Watershed
The Arctic LCC's Terrestrial Environmental Observatin Network (TEON) plan proposes collection of a time series of specific environmental variables in seven representative... -
Modeling Avifaunal Responses
Using a bioclimatic envelope approach, University of Alberta investigators will project how the distribution and abundance of boreal forest birds across North America will... -
Chukchi Sea Environmental Studies Program: Marine Mammals
The purpose of the marine mammal ecology survey is to increase current knowledge of the movements, distribution and abundance of marine mammals during the open water season... -
Shorebird Demographics and Climate Change
Using carefully formulated scientific methods, the Arctic Shorebird Demographic Network (ASDN) seeks to understand the reasons why shorebird populations are declining, such as... -
Phase 2- Drilling and Production Testing the Methane Hydrate Resource Potential associated with the Barrow Gas Fields (DE-FC26-06NT42962)
The goal of this project is to evaluate, design, drill, log, core and production test methane hydrate resources in the Barrow Gas Fields near Barrow, Alaska to determine its... -
Permafrost and Climate-Monitoring Network (DOI/GTN)
DOI/Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost borehole array is used to monitor the thermal state of the underlying permafrost. This is the largest array of deep boreholes in... -
Alaska Volcano Observatory
USGS and other Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) scientists conduct geologic, geochemical, and geophysical studies of selected Alaska volcanoes to complete modern geologic maps,... -
An Evaluation of the Science Needs to Inform Decisions on Outer Continental Shelf Energy Development in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, Alaska
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) was asked to conduct an initial, independent evaluation of the science needs that would inform the Administration's consideration of the right... -
Regional Fluid Flow and Basin Modeling in Northern Alaska
The origin, timing, and flux of fluids generated from Carboniferous to Cretaceous basins in the Brooks Range have outstanding relevance to the mineral and hydrocarbon resources... -
National Elevation Dataset (NED) DEM
The National Elevation Dataset (NED) is the primary elevation data product of the USGS. The NED is a seamless dataset with the best available raster elevation data of the... -
Evaluation of the Impact of Gas Hydrate Energy Resource Development in Northern Alaska
The primary objective of this effort is to conduct a geologic based analysis of the occurrence of gas hydrates within northern Alaska in order to determine the role gas hydrates...