IMIQ: Hydro/Climate Data Rescue, Standardization and Distribution
The Imiq database is now available at a new website (see below). The density of weather and hydrology observation sites in Alaska, and especially on the North Slope, is orders... -
Western Kuparuk Meteorological Data - WERC
WERC has one monitoring site on the western margin of the Kuparuk Basin, approximately 50 km west of Sagwon Bluffs. The site is located on a ridge overlooking the West Fork of... -
Eastern Kuparuk Meteorological Data - WERC
WERC has two monitoring sites on the eastern border of the Kuparuk River watershed: * Sagwon monitoring station, located at 69o 25' 27.5" N latitude and 148o 41'... -
Bullen Hydrology Project - WERC
This project, funded by the State of Alaska through the Department of Natural Resources (AKDNR), ended in July of 2010. The purpose of the project was to investigate the... -
Fish Creek Hydrology
LCC funding for this project will help maintain a network of hydrology-monitoring sites in a representative watershed of the Arctic Coastal Plain. The work is being conducted... -
Imnaviat Basin Station Meteorological Data - WERC
The Imnavait Creek watershed is located on the North Slope of Alaska, at the foothills of the Brooks Range (68o37'N, 149o19'W). Imnavait Creek parallels the Upper Kuparuk basin... -
Coastal Plain Meteorological Data -WERC
The northern-most monitoring sites on the Kuparuk Watershed Study are located on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska (approx. 70 16'N, 148 53'W). This area is a vast expanse of... -
Upper Kuparuk Watershed Sites Information - WERC
The Upper Kuparuk watershed is located on the North Slope of Alaska, at the foothills of the Brooks Range (68 38'N, 149 24'W). The Upper Kuparuk River watershed (drainage area... -
Umiat Corridor Project Summary - WERC
Weather stations monitor rainfall and spring runoff in order to determine characteristics of major rivers and streams in the watersheds in the Umiat Road Corridor. Hydrologic...