Monitoring Beaufort Sea Waterfowl and Marine Birds - Aerial Survey (2002)
MONITORING BEAUFORT SEA WATER-FOWL AND MARINE BIRDS: AERIAL SURVEY COMPONENT Contract Number:16950 Author:Julian B. Fischer, Tim J. Tiplady, and William W. Larned Pages:147... -
Pre-migratory Movements and Physiology of Shorebirds Staging on Beaufort Sea Littoral Zone (AK-93-48-56)
This project was initiated in 2004 to gain a better understanding of the overall ecology of postbreeding shorebirds during the staging period and to inform future assessments of... -
Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Planning Areas
This data set contains BOEM Planning Area outlines in ESRI shapefile format for the BOEM Alaska Region. The Submerged Lands Act (SLA) boundary, along with the Continental Shelf... -
Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Blocks
This data set contains OCS block outlines in ArcGIS shapefile format for the BOEM Alaska Region. OCS blocks are used to define small geographic areas within an Official... -
Alaska Lease Areas
This data set contains the outlines for active federal oil and gas leases in the Alaska OCS Region through sale 193. They represent a close approximation, but might not be the... -
Alaska Federal Oil and Gas Historical Leases
This data set contains the outlines for active federal oil and gas leases in the Alaska OCS Region through sale 193. They represent a close approximation, but might not be the... -
Social and Economic Assessment of Major Oil-Spill Litigation Settlement for the Alaska OCS Region (AK-03-12)
The potential social costs of major coastal oil spills are a public concern associated with OCS development in the U.S. Insofar as the effects of EVOS continue to frame... -
Alaska Limit of "8(g) Zone"
This data set contains the Limit of "8(g) Zone" boundary in ESRI shapefile format for the BOEM Alaska Region. The "8(g) Zone" lies between the Submerged Lands Act (SLA) boundary... -
Subsistence Mapping of Nuiqsut, Kaktovik and Barrow
The primary goal of this study was to provide current subsistence data to inform future Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyses regarding... -
Subsistence Mapping at Nuiqsut, Kaktovik, Barrow, and Wainwright: Past and Present Comparison (AK-02-07)
Residents of Alaska’s North Slope continue to practice a traditional subsistence lifestyle that has been passed on through generations. Residents rely heavily on both marine and... -
U.S.-Canada Transboundary Fish and Lower Trophic Communities (AK-12-04)
This study took an interdisciplinary approach to collect ecological baseline data for fish and lower trophic organisms and to examine resources in the Beaufort Sea OCS. -
Arctic Fish Ecology Catalogue (AK-07)
The marine fishes in waters of the United States north of the Bering Strait have received new and increased scientific attention over the past decade in conjunction with... -
Alaska 2012-2017 Program Areas
A Five Year Program consists of a schedule of oil and gas lease sales indicating the size, timing, and location of proposed leasing activity the Secretary determines will best... -
Traditional Knowledge Regarding Bowhead Whales in the Chukchi Sea (AK-93-48-68)
Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) are an important subsistence and cultural resource for coastal people of western and northern Alaska, as well as an important component of... -
Social Indicators in Coastal Alaska: Arctic Communities (AK-11-09)
This study carried out an OMB approved information collection that involved surveys administered to 684 heads of households in the Arctic coastal communities of Point Hope,... -
Pinniped Movements and Foraging: Bearded Seals (AK-07-08)
Bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) are one of the most important subsistence resources for the indigenous people of coastal Alaska, as well as key components of Arctic marine... -
Study of Sharing Networks to Assess the Vulnerabilities of Local Communities to Oil and Gas Development Impacts in Arctic Alaska (AK-05-04a)
This study documented and analyzed social networks of sharing and cooperation that are part of Alaska Native subsistence-cash economies, and explored the potentail vulnerability... -
Subsistence Study for North Aleutian Basin (AK-08-06)
This study serves the final report for the North Aleutian Basin Subsistence Study on the people and subsistence activities in the villages around the proposed North Aleutian... -
Seabird Distribution And Abundance In The Chukchi And North Aleutian Basin Offshore Environment (AK-10-10)
Placing seabird observers on research vessels is a cost-effective means of obtaining data on seabird distribution, species composition, and relative abundance. Results showed...