Stinky gray whale investigations
Subsistence hunters have reported the existence of stinky whales since the 1960s. Studies were conducted to determine the sources of this smell. -
A Field Guide to North Slope Fishes
The purpose of this booklet is to provide an easy-to-use identification guide to the common fish species of the North Slope and Arctic coast of Alaska. Another intent is to... -
Subsistence Harvest Documentation
The North Slope Borough has made a commitment to develop information about the region’s subsistence harvest and to share some of this information with state and federal... -
Monitoring the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd
At least 5 North Slope villages hunt caribou (Rangifer tarandus) from the Teshekpuk Herd. Understanding the movements and distribution of this herd is important if we are to... -
Understanding Predators (Gulls) - Use of anthropogenic foods by glaucous gull in Northern Alaska
Glaucous Gulls (Larus hyperboreus) are one of the major predators on Alaska’s North Slope and benefit from human activity. As development for oil production continues, Glaucous... -
Bowhead Whale Study - Accoustics
The NSB DWM has conducted acoustic surveys in most years since 1984 (more on tacoustics data at NSB website). The acoustic data have been used to locate whales and make call... -
Bowhead Whale Subsistence Harvest Research
This research has been ongoing since the early 1980’s with many other collaborators in the past, including: Tom Albert, Harry Brower, Jr., Taqulik Hepa, Charlie Brower, Cyd... -
Subsistence Use within the North Slope Borough
This map product details the extent and type of subsistence activities occurring within the North Slope Borough. -
Migratory Birds: Population Trends of Eiders
The eiders that migrate through northwest Alaska nest at dispersed locations across northern Alaska and Canada. Because they are widespread it is difficult to get a good... -
Use of Hair to Non-invasively Sample DNA from Polar Bears in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
Develop and assess minimally invasive methods for sampling polar bear DNA, primarily through collecting hair at small, portable, hair sampling stations. Stations are deployed at... -
Serum thyroid hormone concentrations and thyroid histomorphology as biomarkers in bowhead whales.
Serum thyroid hormone (TH) concentrations have been used alone or with other measurements to assess health status or effects of toxicant exposure in marine mammals. Rosa, C.,... -
List of Common Species on the North Slope with Inupiaq Names
This list was prepared by the North Slope Borough Division of Wildlife Management and contains a listing of common, Inupiaq and scientific names for common birds, marine... -
Bowhead Whale Population Assessment
Population estimates are collected for the bowhead whale population living in Alaskan coastal waters. Satellite tagging started in 2005. Population size and trends estimated... -
Investigation of Heavy Metals in a Large Mortality Event in Caribou
Measured heavy metal (As, Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe) concentrations and body condition from a caribou mortality event in the Point Hope and Cape Thompson areas 1995. Compared to caribou... -
Four Canine Viruses in Arctic Fox from the NPR-A
The primary research goal is to determine prevalence of four major canine viruses: Rabies, Canine Distemper Virus (CDV), Canine Parvovirus (CPV), and Canine Adenovirus (CAV)... -
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of North Slope Fish
Funded by the Bureau of Land Management through an Assistance Agreement to the NSB Department of Wildlife Management, the purpose of the study was to document knowledge of North... -
General Ecology and Natural History of Important Subsistence Fish Species
During the summers of 2003 to 2008 the habitats and populations of fish in the Teshekpuk Lake region were investigated. Fish were caught with nets, measured and sampled for... -
Fish surveys: Nearshore Fyke Nets
The Elson Lagoon fishery is an important subsistence resource adjacent to the community of Barrow. Residents deploy gillnets in the lagoon as soon as there is substantial open... -
NPR-A Key Subsistence Fish Species (2006-2010)
Survey the fish community within drainages of NPRA with emphasis on Teshekpuk Lake, Chipp River, Dease Inlet, Meade River. This study incorporated habitat surveys of... -
Stock Structure Study of Bowhead Whales
Conduct various studies to document stock structure and population size/trend of BCB bowheads. Studies include genetics, TEK, stable isotope of baleen, etc.