4 datasets found

Primary Org: National Resources Conservation Service

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  • NRCS Soil Climate Stations

    Nine solar powered, soil climate stations to 120 cm; Barrow since 1995 (2); Atqasuk (1); West Dock (2); Betty Pingo (1); Sagwon (2) and Toolik (1)
  • SNOTEL Monitoring Network

    The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) installs, operates, and maintains an extensive, automated system (SNOwpack TELemetry or SNOTEL) designed to collect snowpack...
  • Arctic Alaska Soil Climate

    Nine solar-powered, soil climate research stations are maintained annually. Active layer and near-surface permafrost are instrumented to 120 cm at: Barrow since 1995-6 (2...
  • General Soil Map of Alaska-SSURGO Database

    This data set consists of delineated general soils association units and separate SSURGO database.