Fish Surveys and Subsistence Reports for Colville River and Vicinity (1985-2023)
These reports summarizes work to monitor fall subsistence fisheriues on Colville River. In addition reports for Ublutuoch, Fish Creek and the Helmricks winter fishery are... -
North Slope Lakes Studies
These reports include bathymetric profiles and fish presence data for a variety of North Slope lakes. -
Colville Delta Fish Habitat Studies (1985 - 2002)
Fish habitat studies in Colville Delta including satellite development areas (CD). -
Water Withdrawal and Ninespine Sickleback
Information obtained provided evidence that high levels of water withdrawal in lakes does not effect ninespine stickleback populations. Shallow thaw lakes did not provide... -
Lake and fish surveys in Alpine, Willow, GMT, CD and NPR-A region (1999-2007)
Fish populations and lake monitoring data. -
Alpine Area Lakes: Volume, Recharge, Monitoring (2002-2015)
This record contains links to historical Alpine area reports (2002-2014) documenting lake contour and volume, recharge and monitoring.