Heavy metal and mineral concentrations and their relationship to histopathological findings in the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus)
This study evaluated the concentration of six essential and non-essential elements (Zn, Hg, Ag,Se, Cu, and Cd) in liver and kidney of 64 bowhead whales. Rosa, C., Blake, J.E.,... -
Trace elements in tissues of phocid seals harvested in the Alaskan and Canadian Arctic - Influence of age and feeding ecology
Selected trace elements (Ag, Cu, Cd, Se, An, THg, and MeHg) were measured in subsistence harvested seals. Ringed, bearded and spotted seals were obtained from Alaska along with... -
Organic nutrients and contaminants in subsistence species of Alaska: Concentrations and relationship to food preparation method
To determine nutrient and contaminant concentrations, document concentration changes related to common preparation methods and provide a basic risk-benefit analysis for select... -
Trophic relationships in an Arctic food web and implications for trace metal transfer
Arctic mammals that were harvested for subsistence were analyzed for Ag, Cd, and THg. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were evaluated to establish trophic interactions within... -
Mercury concentrations in Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears:Variation based on stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen
Total Hg was measured in 52 adult polar bears captured during 2005 to assess feeding ecology and other biological factors. Cardona-Marek, T., K. K. Knott, B. E. Meyer, T. M.... -
Climate change threatens polar bear populations: a stochastic demographic analysis
The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) depends on sea ice for feeding, breeding, and movement. Significant reductions in Arctic sea ice are forecast to continue because of climate... -
Toolik Field Station Spatial Data
Data downloads available from the Toolik Field Station. Includes: Aerial photos of the station area and Anaktuvuk River Shapefile of field station Contours of Kuparuk River... -
The Role of Lichens, Reindeer, and Climate in Ecosystem Change on a Bering Sea Island
Archived reports from an international controversy in the early 1890s over management of the harvest of fur seals, Callorhinus ursinus, on the Pribilof Islands in the... -
Integrated geobotanical and historical change mapping, Prudhoe Bay 1949-present
Time series of1:6000-scale maps of three 20-sq km areas within the Prudhoe Bay field, including vegetation, landforms, hydrological boundaries, infrastructure and indirect... -
Landscape and Permafrost Changes in The Prudhoe Bay Oilfield, Alaska
A primary challenge for adaptive management of large Arctic oil and gas developments is documenting the changes that have already occurred. The first and most straightforward... -
Toolik Field Station Maps
Includes several downloadable maps of Alaska, the North Slope, and the Toolik Research Center Area; Terrestrial Plots, Dalton Highway Corridor Plots, and Toolik Research Plots;... -
Arctic Geobotanical Atlas - Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive and Geoecological Map Archive
The Alaska Arctic Geoecological Atlas (AAGA) is an important collection of vegetation plot data and geoecological maps from Arctic and near-Arctic Alaska. The Atlas can be...