Long-Term Ecological Monitoring in BP’s North Slope Oil Fields (2005 - 2014)
Over the past decade, hundreds of reports and papers on North Slope birds, fish, plants, caribou, whales, seals, bears, vegetation, and similar topics have been produced. Most... -
BPXA Long Term Monitoring: Vegetation
In 2005 researchers established 15 permanent transects in the BP oil fields. The transects are 500 meters long and extend perpendicular to roads. They are located within the... -
BPXA Rehabilitation Sites - 2006 and 2008 Summaries
BP Exploration Alaska Inc. Environmental Studies Group (BPXA-ESG) rehabilitation plans and monitoring reports are provided for site rehabilitation/revegetation projects.... -
Acoustic & Marine Mammal Monitoring
Perform acoustical measurements of Northstar related activities and whale calls in relation to Northstar Island sounds. -
Tundra Rehabilitation: GC2 Oil Transit Line Release (2006)
This report documents the transition of oversight responsibility from the incident management team (IMT) to the clean-UD project team for the GC2 oil transit line release. The... -
BPXA Long Term Monitoring: Raven
Long term monitoring of raven nests from 2004 through 2011. Excel spreadsheet. -
BPXA Long Term Monitoring: Black Brant
This excel spread sheet contains Brant nest observations for the Sagavanirktok River Delta Colony (Duck Island and Howe Island), Niakuk Island Colony, Surfcote Colony and Milne... -
Snow Goose Banding Near the Sag River
Conduct capture and banding of Snow Geese in brood-rearing areas between Heald Pt. and Foggy Island Bay as part of regional studies on the distribution, abundance, productivity,... -
Fox Den Surveys
Conduct fox den surveys annually to document fox abundance and productivity. Includes two types of surveys: den activity assessments and productivity surveys. -
Denning Locations of Polar Bears Near Development
Use aircraft mounted FLIR for the detection of polar bear maternal dens. -
Rehabilitation Activities for 2008
Rehabilitation activities and monitoring of the following 12 sites: Eileen West End, Tract TC-3, Pad 3 East End, Term Well A, GC-2 Spill, Sag River 1, Kuparuk River State, MS-3,... -
Polar Bear Den Emergence Study
Study polar bear behavior at maternal den sites within the greater Prudhoe Bay. -
BPXA:Long Term Monitoring: Arctic/Red Fox Den Occupancy, Productivity
Access database contains occupancy and productivity observations for BP Long Term Monitoring from the years 2005-2011 for Arctic and Red fox. -
Colonial Bird Surveys
Comprise periodic visual reconnaissance of 3 colonies during incubation. If resources allow, a single survey of the Milne Point Brant colony also will be conducted. -
Arctic Fox Oral Vaccine Trials
A trip in January was unsuccessful capturing arctic foxes because the population was very low. A trip in November successfully captured 12 foxes which were transported to UAF... -
Colonial Goose Monitoring in Greater Prudhoe Bay
Two species of colonially nesting geese breed in the oil fields operated by BP on the North Slope: Black Brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) and Lesser Snow Geese (Chen... -
Greater Prudhoe Bay Fox Den Monitoring
Studies in the region from the late 1960s to the early 1980s focused on the general biology of arctic foxes around the oil fields including food habits, den characteristics,... -
Nesting success and nest predators of tundra-nesting birds in the Prudhoe Bay Oilfield
Long-term study examining nesting biology of tundra-nesting birds on 12 10-ha study plots in the WOA, EOA, and Endicott fields. Publications: Liebezeit, J. R., S. J. Kendall, S....