Beaufort Sea Fish Monitoring Study of Nearshore Fishes in the Prudhoe Bay Region: 2015 Annual Report
During summer 2015 LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. (LGL) conducted a fish monitoring study in the coastal waters of the Beaufort Sea near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. This study... -
Monitoring of industrial sounds, seals and bowhead whales near Hilcorp Northstar Oil Development, Alaska Beaufort Sea 2015 Summary Report
This report details record of seal sightings in 2015, monitoring of underwater sounds near Northstar Island in the autumn of 2015, and acoustic monitoring of bowhead whale... -
Summary of the 2015 Subsistence Whaling Season at Cross Island
This report for Hilcorp Alaska LLC presents information for the 2015 Cross Island subsistence bowhead whale hunt, and continues the work funded by the Minerals Management...