BPXA Long Term Monitoring: Vegetation

In 2005 researchers established 15 permanent transects in the BP oil fields. The transects are 500 meters long and extend perpendicular to roads. They are located within the most common terrain types (riverine, coastal floodplain, drained lake basins and alluvial-marine terraces) found in the region. Along each transect, researchers established 5 permanently marked plots for a total of 75 plots each measuring 10x15m. Plant cover at each plot was measured by point intercept method for an estimate of mean percent cover for water, bare soil, leaf litter, lichen, moss and individual vascular plants.

Two downloads are available. The first download contains the ACCESS database of site observations. The second download is a companion data set of site photos.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ISO Topics biota
Primary Contact Bill Streever (bill.streever@bp.com)
Other Contacts Janet Kidd (Email: jkidd@abrinc.com), Sue Bishop
Primary Organization BP Exploration Alaska Inc.
Funding Organizations BP Exploration Alaska Inc.
Other Organizations ABR, Inc.
Organization Types Industry and Consultants
Geo-keywords North Slope
Start Date 2005-01-01
Created February 23, 2016, 01:19 (AKST)
Last Updated September 17, 2021, 13:19 (AKDT)