Shorebird Monitoring in the Willow Project Area (2021-2023)

The NPR-A supports the largest concentration of aquatic birds of any portion of the Arctic Coastal Plain. The Willow Project land rezone (North Slope Borough Ordinance 75-06-75) stipulated a multiyear shorebird breeding ecology study in and adjacent to the Willow Project area.

The primary objectives of this study are to: 1. Document the distribution, abundance, habitat associations, and nesting success of breeding shorebirds in the Willow Project area. 2. Compare these metrics from the baseline pre-development (pre-construction) phase to the development (construction) and production phases, and among locations at different distances from the proposed roads and pads. 3. Measure the effects, if any, of development and environmental factors on breeding shorebird densities and nest survival during development and production phases.

This study began in 2021 and focused on documenting the distribution, abundance, and nest survival of shorebirds because the Willow Project has not yet been constructed. These reports focus on assessing predevelopment baseline conditions for nesting shorebirds in the area to compare to conditions in future years, after project development.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ISO Topics biota
Primary Contact CPAI Environmental Studies Coordinator
Primary Organization ABR, Inc.
Funding Organizations ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.
Organization Types Industry and Consultants
Geo-keywords North Slope
Created March 16, 2022, 16:31 (AKDT)
Last Updated February 15, 2024, 17:04 (AKST)