Inigok Meteorological Monitoring Program - Data Summary - National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska - BLM

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) established a meteorological monitoring station in a remote location of the southeastern NPR-A where there is a lack of high quality dispersion meteorological data for use in modeling and climatological data representing the region between the North Slope Coastal Plain and Brooks Range foothills. The meteorological data collected from April 2014 - July 2020 are intended to support BLM management decisions for the area through air modeling and to provide information for the BLM and other agencies with a study interest in the NPR-A. The specific project objective of this monitoring program is to establish a meteorological monitoring system to measure, with known accuracy and precision, the dispersion meteorology conditions at the project site for use in refined modeling. It is the intent of this project to collect at least five years of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) data to characterize the climatic conditions at the site.

Reports below provide a summary of the annual meteorological data collected at the BLM NPR-A PSD meteorological monitoring station located at Inigok. Validated data are imbedded in the reports as csv files or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) reports are also provided. A final summary report is also posted below. The final full valid dataset is attached to this report as a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

During two winters (October – January, 2014/2015 and October – January, 2015/2016), the horizontal wind sensors at Inigok were inoperable during six different occasions for more than three days due to freezing. While freezing of wind sensors invalidates data, other meteorological stations on the North Slope may be able to provide surrogate data. Through an assistant agreement between BLM and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Air Quality (ADEC), ADEC compared Inigok PSD meteorological data with surrounding meteorological stations to determine if surrogate data could be used. See Surrogate Data Assessment provided below.

Quarterly reports for current year can be obtained from the contact person listed below.

Comments:The BLM NPR-A Inigok meteorological monitoring station was installed on March 25, 2014 and operated by AECOM through March 2018. Pinyon Environmental Inc. and its subcontractor Air Sciences Inc. took responsibility for operations on April 1, 2018. The Inigok meteorological monitoring QAPP 2018 (February 2018) is applicable for the data collected since April 1, 2018.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ISO Topics climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
Primary Contact Kenneth (Alan) Peck (
Other Contacts V.J.Maisonet (Email:, Phone: (907) 271 5713)
Organization Types Federal
Geo-keywords North Slope
Start Date 2014-04-01
Created August 21, 2017, 04:33 (AKDT)
Last Updated July 1, 2021, 23:40 (AKDT)