Coastal and Overflood: CF Coastal Stability, Ice Gouge and Strudel Data and Reports 2006-2014

Shell Exploration & Production Company (Shell) initiated field surveys in the Beaufort Sea starting in 2006 and the Chukchi Sea starting in 2009. The BSEE and Statoil were participants in a number of the studies. Coastal Frontiers Corporation was tasked with executing field surveys, performing analysis, and preparing reports related to the following subjects: river overflood, strudel scour, sea ice, coastal stability, freezeup, and grounded ice features. Field surveys and/or analysis and reporting were carried out through 2015, although not every year for each subject.

Please provide credit to Coastal Frontiers Corporation for authorship of the field data and map products. Funding partners have granted approval for early release and/or release to the public domain of these data.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ISO Topics elevation, geoscientificInformation, oceans
Primary Contact Craig Leidersdorf (
Other Contacts Greg Hearon (Email:
Primary Organization Coastal Frontiers Corporation
Funding Organizations Shell Exploration and Production Company, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Statoil
Other Organizations Shell Exploration and Production Company, Statoil, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Organization Types Federal, Industry and Consultants
Geo-keywords North Slope
Start Date 2016-01-01
Created December 20, 2016, 03:48 (AKST)
Last Updated July 1, 2021, 23:08 (AKDT)