Long Term Monitoring Data Summaries

These data summary reports are a listing of the long-term monitoring studies that have been compiled within the North Slope Science Catalog. These lists are compiled by research topic and NSSI emerging issue.

The NSSI Science Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) defined long-term monitoring as multiple collections of the same variable over a period of 10 years or longer by comparable methodology. Projects or initiatives that have been undertaken in the last five years and that are intended to continue into the future were also considered. The STAP reviewed an existing inventory of projects to identify long term monitoring projects within the North Slope region. It is anticipated that the STAP will review projects annually. This list can be found by clicking on the Long Term Monitoring collection within the Catalog data page.

Additional projects that were identified after STAP review as possible long term monitoring are listed as candidate long term monitoring projects. This listing of candidate projects includes projects that were intended to provide ecological baseline measurements but have no funding for long term continued sampling. This listing of Long Term Monitoring Candidates can be also found by clicking on the Long Term Monitoring Candidates collection within the Catalog data page.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ISO Topics biota, climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere, economy, geoscientificInformation, oceans, society
Primary Contact Jess Grunblatt (jgrunbla@alaska.edu)
Primary Organization North Slope Science Initiative
Other Organizations UAF Geographic Information Network of Alaska
Organization Types Academic, Federal
Geo-keywords North Slope
Created February 23, 2016, 01:43 (AKST)
Last Updated July 1, 2021, 21:18 (AKDT)