Red Dog Mine Biomonitoring Studies

The Red Dog Project is a biomonitoring project required by the EPA permit for the mine's wastewater discharge. Our biomonitoring project includes sampling of streams affected and not affected by the mine. Data on water quality, periphyton (algae), aquatic invertebrates, and fish are components of the study. Monitoring also covers an assessment of the Arctic grayling spawning migration into North Fork Red Dog Creek, metals concentrations in adult and juvenile Dolly Varden, and a population estimate of Arctic grayling in the mine’s freshwater reservoir. Yearly surveys are conducted to evaluate the performance of culverts and bridges along the road that connects the mine to the port. From 1999 through 2003, a biomonitoring program was conducted at a number of new sites potentially affected by future hard-rock developments and exploration for gas resources. Annual reports are prepared to summarize information collected and to compare these data with previous years' results.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ISO Topics biota, economy, environment, inlandWaters
Primary Contact Alvin Ott
Other Contacts William Morris, Heather Scannell (Email:, Audra Brase (Email:
Primary Organization Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Funding Organizations TECK-Cominco
Other Organizations TECK-Cominco, Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Organization Types Industry and Consultants, State
Geo-keywords North Slope
Start Date 1999-01-01
Created February 23, 2016, 01:39 (AKST)
Last Updated July 1, 2021, 20:50 (AKDT)