Greater Prudhoe Bay Fox Den Monitoring

Studies in the region from the late 1960s to the early 1980s focused on the general biology of arctic foxes around the oil fields including food habits, den characteristics, home ranges, and winter movements. From 2007 to 2009, researchers surveyed all known natural dens within 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) of the road system. Annual census of known dens within 2 km of the road system in Greater Prudhoe Bay for occupancy and productivity of foxes, as well as notation on prey remains found on dens or observed being brought back to dens.

Publications: Long-term Ecological Monitoring in BP’s North Slope Oil Fields 2005 Long-term Ecological Monitoring in BP’s North Slope Oil Fields 2006 Long-term Ecological Monitoring in BP’s North Slope Oil Fields 2007 Long-term Ecological Monitoring in BP’s North Slope Oil Fields 2008 Long-term Ecological Monitoring in BP’s North Slope Oil Fields 2009.

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Field Value
ISO Topics biota
Primary Contact Bill Streever (
Primary Organization BP Exploration Alaska Inc.
Other Organizations ABR, Inc.
Organization Types Industry and Consultants
Geo-keywords North Slope
Start Date 1960-01-01
Created February 23, 2016, 01:39 (AKST)
Last Updated July 1, 2021, 20:46 (AKDT)