Commissioned by Conoco Phillips, this is a long-term effort to facilitate the rehabilitation and revegetation of the Kuparuk Oilfield, as well as experimental attempts wetland creation.
ABR is conducting a number of long-term land rehabilitation, revegetation, and bioremediation projects in the Kuparuk Oilfield, on Alaska’s North Slope. Many of these projects focus on rehabilitation of gravel substrates, the most common surface disturbance on the North Slope. Studies are testing revegetation and bioremediation techniques at sites of small spills of oil and brine. Use of sewage sludge to amend gravel substrates for enhancement of revegetation is being studied. Several experimental plots are being monitored to determine the relative efficacy of different combinations of fertilizer, soil amendments, and the long-term survivorship of various native plants cultivars. Wetland creation techniques are being evaluated at experimental sites (created ponds) and at natural tundra areas revegetated with aquatic grasses