Subsistence Harvest and Biomonitoring of Ice Seals

Monitoring status of ice seal populations by collecting samples from the subsistence harvest in selected villages, including Point Hope and Barrow on the North Slope. Analyses include diet, productivity, contaminants, genetics. Use of samples from the subsistence harvest to evaluate health and status of 4 spp of ice seals.

Other collaborators include: Ice Seal Committee, Native village offices, Alaska Nanuuq Commission

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ISO Topics biota, society
Primary Contact Lori Quakenbush (
Primary Organization Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Funding Organizations US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA
Other Organizations National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA , North Slope Borough, US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Organization Types Federal, Local, State
Geo-keywords Alaska, North Slope
Start Date 2002-01-01
Created February 23, 2016, 01:38 (AKST)
Last Updated July 1, 2021, 20:30 (AKDT)