Hardened Trail

This work was conducted as part of eider study.

There are few roads on the North Slope of Alaska, including near villages. Many people travel on the tundra by snow machine or ATVs (4-wheelers). One of the primary reasons for traveling on the tundra during the summer is to hunt caribou. During the summer, the tundra can be damaged by this traffic and nesting birds can be disturbed. Rutted trails impact the vegetation and permafrost resulting in impacts to the environment including water quality. If ATVs travel closely to nesting birds, nests may be abandoned or eggs could be lost, To help mitigate impacts from ATV travel, we explored the possibility of installing hardened trail near Barrow to provide a trail that is easier to ride on, which should concentrate traffic and reduce impacts.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ISO Topics transportation
Primary Contact Robert Suydam (Robert.Suydam@north-slope.org)
Other Contacts Todd Sformo (Email: Todd.Sformo@north-slope.org)
Primary Organization North Slope Borough
Funding Organizations US Fish and Wildlife Service
Other Organizations US Fish and Wildlife Service
Organization Types Federal, Local
Geo-keywords North Slope
Start Date 2004-09-01
Created February 23, 2016, 01:37 (AKST)
Last Updated September 28, 2022, 14:46 (AKDT)